Well I'm 4 weeks into my quit and let me say its been a long ass bumpy road..but better every since I found a store that sells smokey mountain. I dipped for 15 yrs about a can every 2 days. I decided to quit after one day I was watching my 9 yr old son practice baseball and one of the kids had found a empty tin on the field and brought it to the coach. The coach then huddled the boys up and gave this long speech of how nasty this stuff was and how they should encourage anybody they know to quit. My son then stood up and said coach my dad chews, he said well you should really encourage him to stop..after the speech my son said to me "dad, I don't want you to die so you need to quit chewing and if you don't stop i will throw away your cans when your not looking..so promise me". I wish I could thank the person that littered that empty tin on the field. Anyhow, I made my promise and I'm going to stick to it!
Yeah Matt, would say you had some good inspiration there. 4 weeks in man...nice job...you are there...just don't give in to it....I am on day 8 and can say that I will never put that chit in my mouth again...Good luck man... you will be fine.....take care of that little boy.
Awesome job dude! It's amazing the effect that these little children have on us parents. They're awesome and we need to be there for them. Hard to do that if we're dying or dead...
Good call and keep up the great quit !!!
Matt - welcome to the quit. Since your 4 weeks in post up in Oct group. Get some contacts in that month. Post every morning, then keep your word. You've got a great start. Remember the look on your kids face, BUT remember this quit is about you, not him. You know it's stupid, you know it's wrong, you want to quit. Nic will not solve anything, don't ever let it back into your life. Just because you've made it 4 wks, you are not out of the woods. Don't fall for any of the just one more, or see I can quit so it's okay. You are done. Each day is a new quit day. post up and keep your word.
Glad to have you here and if you need anything, send me an email/PM. Read everything, have a plan, stay quit. If you need help ask and people will jump in to help.