Hi fellow quitters. This is my first roll call, I took tobacco out of my mouth for the last time last night 2 seconds before midnight. About me:
-Chewed for 6-7 yrs
-cope wintergreen (mostly)
-baseball player (lots of teammates/friends(?) still chew and do not encourage quitters to stay strong)
-I have quit before...lots of 3-7 days, several 5-6 weekers, and one 9 month quit a few years back
Why I'm quitting:
-health, future health, money, appearance (I just want to be the best I can be and leave b.s. like this behind)
-found the woman i'm going to spend the rest of my life with and Im unwilling to give up one second with her (let alone years of my life) for tobacco. Quiting now, proposing to her at christmas!