Yo, I fucked up. I admitted it to myself and to you all. I realize what happened and have already taken measures to ensure I don't make the same mistake again. No, I didn't have a fucking "safety can." I don't know what else you all expect me to do. I've said my piece, I'm quit for today, and I have taken down numbers of fellow quitters in case the addict inside starts to rattle the cage. I can't go back in time and change my idiotic behavior; if any of us could, we wouldn't be here. I can only be better in the future. I am quit for today, and that is all that matters. Now lets leave the past where it belongs and get on with ourselves. No reason to wish further suffering on me; the shame of letting myself down is far greater than anything else. Anyway, that's that. I'm quit for today; everything else be damned.