Hi all,
My name is Nick. I've been dipping about a can a day for 8 years now. I'm from Philadelphia (as many of you could tell by my username) and I started chewing a bit in high school and by the time I got to college to play hockey I was chewing a can and a half of Skoal Mint everyday. From Skoal Mint I went to Skoal Mint Pouches and have been chewing them for the last four years. Easy, convenient and easily concealed.
I actually just got out of a four year relationship that chew was very negatively affecting. She was someone I cared about very much and wanted to marry that continuously told me that she did not want to be with someone with a disgusting and expensive habit that would end up killing me. I balked and continued to chew. Among other reasons, she left. That was almost four months ago. I've been trying to get myself out there to date and I know that no girls my age is attracted to a guy with a big wad of dip in his mouth.
At this point I've been toying around with the idea of quitting. I've gone through some rough times over the last few years. And have always used my can as my crutch. I was always a little embarrassed of my old habit. Many of my teammates and friends still chew.
Saturday I got a brochure in the mail from Skoal. A big poster showing a couple of guys in the woods with some women at a camp site. I was embarrassed A. that Skoal was sending me mail and coupons, B. that Skoal actually tries selling that women like men that chew and C. that I had once thought it was cool myself.
Well now, my mouth hurts. I chewed when I got mad. I chewed when I was sad. I chewed when I had a bad game. I chewed when I had a fight with my girlfriend, parent, sibling or friend. I chewed when I would drink beers. I chewed when I drove. I chewed when I was stressed at school, work or hockey. The problem was, I always chewed.
I ordered Bacc Off over the weekend. I have tried quitting cold turkey before and after a week I'd inevitably be back at square one. I've been weening myself down off Skoal for a week or two now. I've been sweating at night and my head feels a little bit stuff.
Last night was like a sign. I had one last chew left in the can (2 pouches) as I was driving home from work. I said to myself I'll stop and get another couple cans on my way home. For some reason, which I would never forget to get chew, I drove home and forgot everything and by the time I came to it, I was home. My box of Bacc Off was waiting for me at the door.
I had one final chew after dinner last night and that was it. I'm tired of feeling sick, I'm tired of worrying about my mouth, I'm hate worrying about having oral cancer, I hate being dependent on something that's deadly.
Well, here I am. Not even a full day in. Admitting to myself that I had a problem and that I'm putting it behind me.