I am 48 and have been dipping Cope for the past 35 years with a couple of short stops along the way. I remember buying Cope for 37 cents a can and complaining and swearing I was going to quit when it hit $2 a can. Now it nearly $5 a can and I was still going strong until Tuesday, April 27, 2010 my quit date. For the most part I have been in a daze just gliding through the hours and trying not eat everything in sight. I have been sleepy all day even after I wake in the morning. I feel like I am cheating because I am using Nicoderm CQ patches, but I am pretty sure without them I would fail. I think and dream about Cope all day and night and reach for my dip frequently. I am bound and determined to QUIT this time! I am tired of failing, I am tired of sore gums, I am tired of the burn and most of all I am tired of being a slave to the Copenmonster.