Great choice, Rich! Welcome to the fight. You've got this, brother. Post roll, keep your word and repeat.
You body will throw a fit to get nic for a while...physicall symptoms at first, then mental mind-fuck sets in. EMBRACE THEM! That is the feeling of healing. You're getting better with each passing moment. You can do this!
x2. Bean and I post roll together every day. Brother speaks the gospel, just as the others did. Night sweats, day sweats, dip dreams, anger, rage, constipation, weight gain...... all part of it. They will all pass relatively quickly, and you gotta learn to laugh that shit off. It's all just trickery. Nicotine will pull all kind of shenanigans to get you back. She doesn't want you to find out about the heightened enjoyment of life, the increased stamina, the more pleasant demeanor....... and all the other positive changes you'll see.
Well, the dip drems may not pass quickly. Those damn things stay for a while. They aren't nealy as freqent, but those little jewels are persistent. I'm glad of that. At this stage in my quit, I need an occassional reminder of the dumbass I once was, and also what failure would feel like. They keep it real. Embrace it, quitter.