Day 51. My, how things have changed.
I know I have said this a lot lately, but its true - I would not be here if not for the 3 Balled Quittin Basterds in May 2011 and the KTC vets who have cared enough about my quit to bust my balls, send PM's, and call. You all are truly lifesavers.
Magnum likes to call me a forum whore because I am on all day. FWIW, I work behind a computer most the time (unless I am out doing audits or inspections), so I just leave the site up after posting roll and check throughout the day for attendance and tracking. It has become a part of my day, and has been partly instrumental to my quit.
For the most part, I would say I have been pretty lucky with the symptoms of quitting; fog has been at worst annoying, headaches have been minimal, and I have always been kind of a dick so no change there. So far, so good. Sig has kept warning me about an upcoming funk, so I have that to look forward to I guess.
I am really enjoying the time I get to spend with my (10 wks preggo) wife, my 16 month old son, my dogs, hell everyone in my life that I took time away from to stuff my face. I am also enjoying the extra pocket money, though I have developed a seed and chewing gum habit.
Habit. Its sad, but thats what I used to call my addiction to nicotine. 51 days later and I really understand the difference between a "habit" and an addiction. I can break a bad seed habit, but I will be an addict for life.
I read a post yesterday that really hit home:
I am realizing that my penance for becoming an addict is posting roll every day
or something to that effect.
If posting roll every day, and keeping my word, is what it takes to keep enjoying the benefits of time with my family and friends, then it is well worth it. If the simple act of posting roll saves my life, I cannot think of a single reason that will ever be good enough NOT to post roll. Not even being abducted by aliens like TCope.
J2b - day 51 quit.