Smedsy, congrats to you my friend on the 1 year anniversary of living life, nic free. You have been a huge part of my quit, all the DD's and many others that have needed support in this fight against the addiction.
Now that the ghey shit is out of the way...fuck you, you goofy ass talking, Paul Bunyun wood spliting, Elmer Fudd hat wearing, cold weathering loving Putz! 'winker'
Congratulation Tom! You jumped in here with both feet, have thousands and thousands of posts. Have s network of support from east to west, north to south, and of course in the Midwest. But most of all... You have freedom. Thank you brother for all that you do here. I and others appreciate your support and straightforwardness more than you know. Enjoy Arizona today - and we look forward to many more milestones ahead.