Hey guys. Threw out my last can this morning after having my last tip around 12:30 last night. I'm ready, but worried about being able to stay focused at work (I must account for my time). Thought sleeping for the first 8 hours was a good plan rather than having one more this morning.
Thankfully I'm just at a conference today so I can zone.
What's the best fake stuff that's out there? I've got smokey Mtn snuff and really like it so far.
welcome to the rest of your life. excellent decision, my friend. soon, you'll see your addict-self as the slave you were and wonder what you were doing to yourself.
let's focus on today, though. tomorrow doesn't matter yet. you do what you have to in order to get by. i used gum, candy (hot tamales were my favorite), seeds, and fake dip. i liked smokey mountain, but everyone has their own opinion. never tried anything else, cuz smc was the only thing i could find in my area.
here's the deal with KTC:
this is a quitting site with THOUSANDS of people that have successfully quit. you're here for their support and knowledge. if you're like most folks, you've tried to quit before. there's something different when you make yourself accountable to other people that know exactly what you're going through. listen to the vets. they know. you just think you know what to do.
the first thing i'll tell you to do is to post roll EARLY every day. it's your promise that you'll stay nic free for the entire day. then all you have to do is be a man of your word. posting roll ain't a status update at the end of the day (hey, i made it); it's your decree for the day (no ma, i ain't dippin' today). you do this each day (post, keep your word), and viola, you're quit. it's simple, but not easy.
you have to guard your quit and make it the most important thing in your life. MORE important than work. getting fired ain't ever going to kill you. dipping will. take some days off if you can't afford to mail it in at work for a while. i went through the motions at work for over a week... still got shit done, but was super unfocused and foggy.
i'm glad to be quit with you today, BSD. let me know how i can help you.