Author Topic: Worktowin's road to winning  (Read 152616 times)

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Offline JGlav

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #550 on: February 01, 2017, 07:47:00 AM »
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: worktowin
1,500 days. This number seems, and looks, absolutely unreal. I still remember how horrible the beginning days were. The feels of hopelessness. Pain. Depression. Isolation. Utter misery. Feeling like it would never get better.

Well, it does. I haven't had a craving in I don't know when. Im a very independent person, but this is not a fight I could do alone. I thank each of you for getting me to a place where winning is now easy, after about 25 years of daily losing. I haven't missed posting roll a single day, and I won't. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making me give myself this freedom.
"I haven't missed posting roll a single day, and I won't"

Despite the ease in winning that w2w has achieved, make no mistake, this man's pedal is to the floor. Maximum quit every day
Post roll every day + honor your word + participate + be accountable = 1500 days quit I think his formula works.

Offline Steakbomb18

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #549 on: February 01, 2017, 07:22:00 AM »
Quote from: worktowin
1,500 days. This number seems, and looks, absolutely unreal. I still remember how horrible the beginning days were. The feels of hopelessness. Pain. Depression. Isolation. Utter misery. Feeling like it would never get better.

Well, it does. I haven't had a craving in I don't know when. Im a very independent person, but this is not a fight I could do alone. I thank each of you for getting me to a place where winning is now easy, after about 25 years of daily losing. I haven't missed posting roll a single day, and I won't. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making me give myself this freedom.
"I haven't missed posting roll a single day, and I won't"

Despite the ease in winning that w2w has achieved, make no mistake, this man's pedal is to the floor. Maximum quit every day
Certified Grade A Badass

Online worktowin

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #548 on: February 01, 2017, 06:18:00 AM »
1,500 days. This number seems, and looks, absolutely unreal. I still remember how horrible the beginning days were. The feels of hopelessness. Pain. Depression. Isolation. Utter misery. Feeling like it would never get better.

Well, it does. I haven't had a craving in I don't know when. Im a very independent person, but this is not a fight I could do alone. I thank each of you for getting me to a place where winning is now easy, after about 25 years of daily losing. I haven't missed posting roll a single day, and I won't. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making me give myself this freedom.

Offline pab1964

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #547 on: January 31, 2017, 10:03:00 PM »
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: sportsfan231
Quote from: Mike1966
Quote from: JGlav
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: ChristopherJ
Congrats Michael on 1500 days - comma 1.5! I'm just one of may that you helped along on this quit journey and am lucky to call you friend. Celebrate this!
^^^ Yup. Badass bro. Total badass!
Congrats. 1500 days of freedom is quality work and a solid investment in your quit.
Awesome job Michael. Truly inspiring to see someone post those kinds of numbers. Thanks for staying so involved in the site for the last 1500 days. You've helped a lot of people along the way. Hope you have a great day!
congrats friend I wouldn't be here with out you.
Way to lead the way Michael. Huge congrats. Proud to be your friend.
congrats and thank you w2w!
1500 days of quit.. meaningful and powerful.
Thanks for always being around here paying it forward to all of us!
1500 is badass my brother! Thanks for helping me all this time
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

Offline ChickDip

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #546 on: January 31, 2017, 01:26:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: sportsfan231
Quote from: Mike1966
Quote from: JGlav
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: ChristopherJ
Congrats Michael on 1500 days - comma 1.5! I'm just one of may that you helped along on this quit journey and am lucky to call you friend. Celebrate this!
^^^ Yup. Badass bro. Total badass!
Congrats. 1500 days of freedom is quality work and a solid investment in your quit.
Awesome job Michael. Truly inspiring to see someone post those kinds of numbers. Thanks for staying so involved in the site for the last 1500 days. You've helped a lot of people along the way. Hope you have a great day!
congrats friend I wouldn't be here with out you.
Way to lead the way Michael. Huge congrats. Proud to be your friend.
congrats and thank you w2w!
1500 days of quit.. meaningful and powerful.
Thanks for always being around here paying it forward to all of us!
July 2015 Jackals - House of WUPP
"....the load doesn't weigh me down at all, he ain't heavy he's my brother"
Try to believe that you are worth more than you think, and others are worth more than you think.
"If you haven't... Quit now......If you have... Stay that way " ~AppleJack
"Make It Through Today" WarE2013 (Rest Easy)
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"Endeavor to Persevere!" Lone Waite

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Offline rdad

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #545 on: January 31, 2017, 09:56:00 AM »
Quote from: sportsfan231
Quote from: Mike1966
Quote from: JGlav
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: ChristopherJ
Congrats Michael on 1500 days - comma 1.5! I'm just one of may that you helped along on this quit journey and am lucky to call you friend. Celebrate this!
^^^ Yup. Badass bro. Total badass!
Congrats. 1500 days of freedom is quality work and a solid investment in your quit.
Awesome job Michael. Truly inspiring to see someone post those kinds of numbers. Thanks for staying so involved in the site for the last 1500 days. You've helped a lot of people along the way. Hope you have a great day!
congrats friend I wouldn't be here with out you.
Way to lead the way Michael. Huge congrats. Proud to be your friend.

Offline Sportsfan231

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #544 on: January 31, 2017, 09:21:00 AM »
Quote from: Mike1966
Quote from: JGlav
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: ChristopherJ
Congrats Michael on 1500 days - comma 1.5! I'm just one of may that you helped along on this quit journey and am lucky to call you friend. Celebrate this!
^^^ Yup. Badass bro. Total badass!
Congrats. 1500 days of freedom is quality work and a solid investment in your quit.
Awesome job Michael. Truly inspiring to see someone post those kinds of numbers. Thanks for staying so involved in the site for the last 1500 days. You've helped a lot of people along the way. Hope you have a great day!
congrats friend I wouldn't be here with out you.

Offline Mike1966

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #543 on: January 31, 2017, 09:20:00 AM »
Quote from: JGlav
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: ChristopherJ
Congrats Michael on 1500 days - comma 1.5! I'm just one of may that you helped along on this quit journey and am lucky to call you friend. Celebrate this!
^^^ Yup. Badass bro. Total badass!
Congrats. 1500 days of freedom is quality work and a solid investment in your quit.
Awesome job Michael. Truly inspiring to see someone post those kinds of numbers. Thanks for staying so involved in the site for the last 1500 days. You've helped a lot of people along the way. Hope you have a great day!
Just one and you will be back where you started.
And where you started was desperately wishing
you were where you are right now.

Offline Sportsfan231

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #542 on: January 31, 2017, 09:18:00 AM »
Quote from: JGlav
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: ChristopherJ
Congrats Michael on 1500 days - comma 1.5! I'm just one of may that you helped along on this quit journey and am lucky to call you friend. Celebrate this!
^^^ Yup. Badass bro. Total badass!
Congrats. 1500 days of freedom is quality work and a solid investment in your quit.
congrats friend I wouldn't be here with out you.

Offline JGlav

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #541 on: January 31, 2017, 09:04:00 AM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: ChristopherJ
Congrats Michael on 1500 days - comma 1.5! I'm just one of may that you helped along on this quit journey and am lucky to call you friend. Celebrate this!
^^^ Yup. Badass bro. Total badass!
Congrats. 1500 days of freedom is quality work and a solid investment in your quit.

Offline AppleJack

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #540 on: January 31, 2017, 08:39:00 AM »
Quote from: ChristopherJ
Congrats Michael on 1500 days - comma 1.5! I'm just one of may that you helped along on this quit journey and am lucky to call you friend. Celebrate this!
^^^ Yup. Badass bro. Total badass!
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline ChristopherJ

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #539 on: January 31, 2017, 06:34:00 AM »
Congrats Michael on 1500 days - comma 1.5! I'm just one of many that you helped along on this quit journey and am lucky to call you friend. Celebrate this!
Don't be afraid.  You are not alone.

Offline rdad

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #538 on: December 28, 2016, 06:52:00 PM »
Quote from: JB65
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: Mike1966
Quote from: tjschu
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: Stranger999
Quote from: GDubya
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: ChristopherJ
Quote from: pky1520
Quote from: worktowin
4 years

Life is full of ups and downs. 4 years ago tomorrow I was emotional about losing my best friend, thebkodiak bear. That bear ride along with me on every car trip,,every business trip, and dulled the bumps that life brings to us in both good and bad ways.

This past year has been life on steroids. 3 out of town weddings (including our first gay wedding - much better food and decorations). Great quit meet in Vegas writhing trauma sage and mike from ab. Traumas funeral. And tomorrow, on my 4th anniversary, my dear mom is getting her entire leg amputated courtesy of cancer.

We all have these bumps. Some are worse than others. Some are better than other. But nicotine filled all of them. Not once in he past several months of high highs and low lows has nicotine crossed my mind. And it won't. Thanks to ktc and each of you. Cold turkey is the only way to be. See you tomorrow
Thanks for inspiring and leading W2W. Congrats on your 4 years!

Prayers for your family and best wishes for your Mother.
Congrats on 4 years Michael! You pulled me out of the ditch several times on this journey and I look forward to seeing you post 4 years plus 1. Quit with you EDD.
Lets hug it out bud. 4 year congrats, support for you on the home front, and your first gay wedding...all deserving of a hug. You the man Michael, and you know where to find me should you need a friend to lean on.
Way to be Michael. 4 years is inspirational. Thank you for all you do for all of us. Love you bro! Peace and strength to you and your Mom.
Thank you.
Huge thank you for still being here and supporting so many.
Congrats on your 4 years quit!
What a day today must be. Such a great accomplishment accompanied by such hard circumstances. Your character is shining through. Shows that you are a giver and supporter and put others before your self. You are a rock Brotha. In many lives. You continue to set an example for others to follow. We continue to pray for your mother and your family. And also to say congratulations for 4 years of awesome Quit. What an accomplishment. Congrats and also thank you Micheal.
Proud to quit with you Michael and I'm very thankful that you responded to my intro thread a few minutes after I posted it. 4 years is amazing, but then again all it takes is one day at a time and not being afraid to ask for help. :)

I'm praying for your mother my friend and I can't wait to post roll with you tomorrow!
Damn Michael I don't know what to say. Other than I'm proud to have you on my team in this thing. Prayers for you and your family and Merry Christmas brother, I mean that.
Congrats on 4 years quit! Prayers for your mom. Thank you for continuing to be here. Your an inspiration to a lot of quitters on here including me!
Congrats on 4 years Michael. Proud to Quit with you every day. Praying for you and your family during this holiday season.
Thank you and congrats on your 4 years again...Badassery.
Congratulations on 4 years! Sorry I'm late. You are truly a leader and for that thanks!
Yup. Thanks for all you do here. Proud to be quit with you every day.

I'm later than Pab here..... but that's OK and for a reason.... because I couldn't let this end with some crappy toll tide b.s...

They have to get by the Dawgs first. Miracles can happen.....

Offline JB65

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #537 on: December 28, 2016, 04:23:00 PM »
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: Mike1966
Quote from: tjschu
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: Stranger999
Quote from: GDubya
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: ChristopherJ
Quote from: pky1520
Quote from: worktowin
4 years

Life is full of ups and downs. 4 years ago tomorrow I was emotional about losing my best friend, thebkodiak bear. That bear ride along with me on every car trip,,every business trip, and dulled the bumps that life brings to us in both good and bad ways.

This past year has been life on steroids. 3 out of town weddings (including our first gay wedding - much better food and decorations). Great quit meet in Vegas writhing trauma sage and mike from ab. Traumas funeral. And tomorrow, on my 4th anniversary, my dear mom is getting her entire leg amputated courtesy of cancer.

We all have these bumps. Some are worse than others. Some are better than other. But nicotine filled all of them. Not once in he past several months of high highs and low lows has nicotine crossed my mind. And it won't. Thanks to ktc and each of you. Cold turkey is the only way to be. See you tomorrow
Thanks for inspiring and leading W2W. Congrats on your 4 years!

Prayers for your family and best wishes for your Mother.
Congrats on 4 years Michael! You pulled me out of the ditch several times on this journey and I look forward to seeing you post 4 years plus 1. Quit with you EDD.
Lets hug it out bud. 4 year congrats, support for you on the home front, and your first gay wedding...all deserving of a hug. You the man Michael, and you know where to find me should you need a friend to lean on.
Way to be Michael. 4 years is inspirational. Thank you for all you do for all of us. Love you bro! Peace and strength to you and your Mom.
Thank you.
Huge thank you for still being here and supporting so many.
Congrats on your 4 years quit!
What a day today must be. Such a great accomplishment accompanied by such hard circumstances. Your character is shining through. Shows that you are a giver and supporter and put others before your self. You are a rock Brotha. In many lives. You continue to set an example for others to follow. We continue to pray for your mother and your family. And also to say congratulations for 4 years of awesome Quit. What an accomplishment. Congrats and also thank you Micheal.
Proud to quit with you Michael and I'm very thankful that you responded to my intro thread a few minutes after I posted it. 4 years is amazing, but then again all it takes is one day at a time and not being afraid to ask for help. :)

I'm praying for your mother my friend and I can't wait to post roll with you tomorrow!
Damn Michael I don't know what to say. Other than I'm proud to have you on my team in this thing. Prayers for you and your family and Merry Christmas brother, I mean that.
Congrats on 4 years quit! Prayers for your mom. Thank you for continuing to be here. Your an inspiration to a lot of quitters on here including me!
Congrats on 4 years Michael. Proud to Quit with you every day. Praying for you and your family during this holiday season.
Thank you and congrats on your 4 years again...Badassery.
Congratulations on 4 years! Sorry I'm late. You are truly a leader and for that thanks!
Yup. Thanks for all you do here. Proud to be quit with you every day.

I'm later than Pab here..... but that's OK and for a reason.... because I couldn't let this end with some crappy toll tide b.s...


Offline pab1964

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #536 on: December 26, 2016, 09:59:00 AM »
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: Mike1966
Quote from: tjschu
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: Stranger999
Quote from: GDubya
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: ChristopherJ
Quote from: pky1520
Quote from: worktowin
4 years

Life is full of ups and downs. 4 years ago tomorrow I was emotional about losing my best friend, thebkodiak bear. That bear ride along with me on every car trip,,every business trip, and dulled the bumps that life brings to us in both good and bad ways.

This past year has been life on steroids. 3 out of town weddings (including our first gay wedding - much better food and decorations). Great quit meet in Vegas writhing trauma sage and mike from ab. Traumas funeral. And tomorrow, on my 4th anniversary, my dear mom is getting her entire leg amputated courtesy of cancer.

We all have these bumps. Some are worse than others. Some are better than other. But nicotine filled all of them. Not once in he past several months of high highs and low lows has nicotine crossed my mind. And it won't. Thanks to ktc and each of you. Cold turkey is the only way to be. See you tomorrow
Thanks for inspiring and leading W2W. Congrats on your 4 years!

Prayers for your family and best wishes for your Mother.
Congrats on 4 years Michael! You pulled me out of the ditch several times on this journey and I look forward to seeing you post 4 years plus 1. Quit with you EDD.
Lets hug it out bud. 4 year congrats, support for you on the home front, and your first gay wedding...all deserving of a hug. You the man Michael, and you know where to find me should you need a friend to lean on.
Way to be Michael. 4 years is inspirational. Thank you for all you do for all of us. Love you bro! Peace and strength to you and your Mom.
Thank you.
Huge thank you for still being here and supporting so many.
Congrats on your 4 years quit!
What a day today must be. Such a great accomplishment accompanied by such hard circumstances. Your character is shining through. Shows that you are a giver and supporter and put others before your self. You are a rock Brotha. In many lives. You continue to set an example for others to follow. We continue to pray for your mother and your family. And also to say congratulations for 4 years of awesome Quit. What an accomplishment. Congrats and also thank you Micheal.
Proud to quit with you Michael and I'm very thankful that you responded to my intro thread a few minutes after I posted it. 4 years is amazing, but then again all it takes is one day at a time and not being afraid to ask for help. :)

I'm praying for your mother my friend and I can't wait to post roll with you tomorrow!
Damn Michael I don't know what to say. Other than I'm proud to have you on my team in this thing. Prayers for you and your family and Merry Christmas brother, I mean that.
Congrats on 4 years quit! Prayers for your mom. Thank you for continuing to be here. Your an inspiration to a lot of quitters on here including me!
Congrats on 4 years Michael. Proud to Quit with you every day. Praying for you and your family during this holiday season.
Thank you and congrats on your 4 years again...Badassery.
Congratulations on 4 years! Sorry I'm late. You are truly a leader and for that thanks!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD