Author Topic: Worktowin's road to winning  (Read 139659 times)

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Offline Mike from AB

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #265 on: September 17, 2014, 10:23:00 AM »
Quote from: Enough
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: KC_Guy
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: worktowin
Day 632

My dad was a great man. A quiet leader, and a math genius. He was a high school math teacher in a small town and was admired by everyone. An all american guy that seemed to have his act together in every way. Except for his nicotine addiction. That addiction was a big part of his life. I remember the ceiling over his chair being stained yellow until mom made him smoke only in the garage. He exercised less as the years stacked up. Eating habits faded. But mosty the nicotine wore on him. Blood pressure went up. Cholesterol up. He looked perfectly fine. 25 years ago today, at the age of 52, nicotine claimed him as a victim. And my addiction, at age 17, was just beginning to blossom at that point.

Thank you ktc for making it possible for me to not follow in his footsteps. We all have a lot to be thankful for today.
Amen, great post.
I quit with you today w2w.
Glad to quit with you today.
Quit with you w2w
What these bad asses already said

Offline Enough snuff

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #264 on: September 17, 2014, 09:27:00 AM »
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: KC_Guy
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: worktowin
Day 632

My dad was a great man. A quiet leader, and a math genius. He was a high school math teacher in a small town and was admired by everyone. An all american guy that seemed to have his act together in every way. Except for his nicotine addiction. That addiction was a big part of his life. I remember the ceiling over his chair being stained yellow until mom made him smoke only in the garage. He exercised less as the years stacked up. Eating habits faded. But mosty the nicotine wore on him. Blood pressure went up. Cholesterol up. He looked perfectly fine. 25 years ago today, at the age of 52, nicotine claimed him as a victim. And my addiction, at age 17, was just beginning to blossom at that point.

Thank you ktc for making it possible for me to not follow in his footsteps. We all have a lot to be thankful for today.
Amen, great post.
I quit with you today w2w.
Glad to quit with you today.
Quit with you w2w
"You must do what others don't, to achieve what others won't"  Old Es

Offline brettlees

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #263 on: September 17, 2014, 09:13:00 AM »
Quote from: KC_Guy
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: worktowin
Day 632

My dad was a great man. A quiet leader, and a math genius. He was a high school math teacher in a small town and was admired by everyone. An all american guy that seemed to have his act together in every way. Except for his nicotine addiction. That addiction was a big part of his life. I remember the ceiling over his chair being stained yellow until mom made him smoke only in the garage. He exercised less as the years stacked up. Eating habits faded. But mosty the nicotine wore on him. Blood pressure went up. Cholesterol up. He looked perfectly fine. 25 years ago today, at the age of 52, nicotine claimed him as a victim. And my addiction, at age 17, was just beginning to blossom at that point.

Thank you ktc for making it possible for me to not follow in his footsteps. We all have a lot to be thankful for today.
Amen, great post.
I quit with you today w2w.
Glad to quit with you today.
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline KC_Guy

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #262 on: September 17, 2014, 07:45:00 AM »
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: worktowin
Day 632

My dad was a great man. A quiet leader, and a math genius. He was a high school math teacher in a small town and was admired by everyone. An all american guy that seemed to have his act together in every way. Except for his nicotine addiction. That addiction was a big part of his life. I remember the ceiling over his chair being stained yellow until mom made him smoke only in the garage. He exercised less as the years stacked up. Eating habits faded. But mosty the nicotine wore on him. Blood pressure went up. Cholesterol up. He looked perfectly fine. 25 years ago today, at the age of 52, nicotine claimed him as a victim. And my addiction, at age 17, was just beginning to blossom at that point.

Thank you ktc for making it possible for me to not follow in his footsteps. We all have a lot to be thankful for today.
Amen, great post.
I quit with you today w2w.
Quit Date 05/20/2013

HOF 08/27/13
2nd Floor 12/5/13
3rd Floor 3/15/14
4th Floor 6/23/14
5th Floor 10/1/14

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #261 on: September 17, 2014, 06:21:00 AM »
Quote from: worktowin
Day 632

My dad was a great man. A quiet leader, and a math genius. He was a high school math teacher in a small town and was admired by everyone. An all american guy that seemed to have his act together in every way. Except for his nicotine addiction. That addiction was a big part of his life. I remember the ceiling over his chair being stained yellow until mom made him smoke only in the garage. He exercised less as the years stacked up. Eating habits faded. But mosty the nicotine wore on him. Blood pressure went up. Cholesterol up. He looked perfectly fine. 25 years ago today, at the age of 52, nicotine claimed him as a victim. And my addiction, at age 17, was just beginning to blossom at that point.

Thank you ktc for making it possible for me to not follow in his footsteps. We all have a lot to be thankful for today.
Amen, great post.

Offline worktowin

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #260 on: September 17, 2014, 04:44:00 AM »
Day 632

My dad was a great man. A quiet leader, and a math genius. He was a high school math teacher in a small town and was admired by everyone. An all american guy that seemed to have his act together in every way. Except for his nicotine addiction. That addiction was a big part of his life. I remember the ceiling over his chair being stained yellow until mom made him smoke only in the garage. He exercised less as the years stacked up. Eating habits faded. But mosty the nicotine wore on him. Blood pressure went up. Cholesterol up. He looked perfectly fine. 25 years ago today, at the age of 52, nicotine claimed him as a victim. And my addiction, at age 17, was just beginning to blossom at that point.

Thank you ktc for making it possible for me to not follow in his footsteps. We all have a lot to be thankful for today.

Offline rdad

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #259 on: August 18, 2014, 11:55:00 AM »
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: Enough
Quote from: sh4string
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: midwest04z
Quote from: worktowin
Day 600. I'm really humbled today. And really grateful, to this site and to all of you that have supported me or given me the honor to quit with you along the way. Finding this site on day 16 (the lowest point of my life) was a miracle. I hated guys posting numbers like this early on. One day at a time, today I am stunned to be posting a number like this... time flies when you are having fun! Life went from hell, to livable, to OK, to good, to great. I heard it from vets over and over and over and I, like everyone else, just didn't believe them. Well, I do now.

KTC and each of you, played a part in saving my life - but more than that, you made my life worth living again. I don't really know how to adequately convey that message, so I'll just say "thank you."

Post roll, honor word. Its worked for me when not one other thing did for 25 years, so I won't be changing that formula. Time to go and look for some new quitters to help out!

Thank you KTC!
Damn fine work brother. Be seeing you soon!
Badass quitter!!! Congrats!
Congrats on 600 w2w - You are another one of those few that Old ES would name a "Captain" of his team. Proud to quit with you each and every day.
Nice 6 Hundo!!!! Keep er going!!!
Congrats W2W. I see you everyday, often just one post ahead of me posting support for others in their quit. Awesome job!
You are a big time quitter w2w! Keep doing what you do brother. You are one of the reasons that KTC works, and why it is so awesome. I QLF with you EDD!
Congratulations Brother! Thanks for being here.
You have been my guiding light for 400 days now and for that I thank you. Many quitters can learn from this man, post roll, honor your word and support others.
Pinched hit it right on the head! Do those 3 things and our freedom is guaranteed! You do those everyday Michael and for that we are ALL grateful!

Offline Pinched

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #258 on: August 18, 2014, 09:01:00 AM »
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: Enough
Quote from: sh4string
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: midwest04z
Quote from: worktowin
Day 600. I'm really humbled today. And really grateful, to this site and to all of you that have supported me or given me the honor to quit with you along the way. Finding this site on day 16 (the lowest point of my life) was a miracle. I hated guys posting numbers like this early on. One day at a time, today I am stunned to be posting a number like this... time flies when you are having fun! Life went from hell, to livable, to OK, to good, to great. I heard it from vets over and over and over and I, like everyone else, just didn't believe them. Well, I do now.

KTC and each of you, played a part in saving my life - but more than that, you made my life worth living again. I don't really know how to adequately convey that message, so I'll just say "thank you."

Post roll, honor word. Its worked for me when not one other thing did for 25 years, so I won't be changing that formula. Time to go and look for some new quitters to help out!

Thank you KTC!
Damn fine work brother. Be seeing you soon!
Badass quitter!!! Congrats!
Congrats on 600 w2w - You are another one of those few that Old ES would name a "Captain" of his team. Proud to quit with you each and every day.
Nice 6 Hundo!!!! Keep er going!!!
Congrats W2W. I see you everyday, often just one post ahead of me posting support for others in their quit. Awesome job!
You are a big time quitter w2w! Keep doing what you do brother. You are one of the reasons that KTC works, and why it is so awesome. I QLF with you EDD!
Congratulations Brother! Thanks for being here.
You have been my guiding light for 400 days now and for that I thank you. Many quitters can learn from this man, post roll, honor your word and support others.
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

Offline 30isEnuff

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #257 on: August 18, 2014, 08:23:00 AM »
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: Enough
Quote from: sh4string
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: midwest04z
Quote from: worktowin
Day 600. I'm really humbled today. And really grateful, to this site and to all of you that have supported me or given me the honor to quit with you along the way. Finding this site on day 16 (the lowest point of my life) was a miracle. I hated guys posting numbers like this early on. One day at a time, today I am stunned to be posting a number like this... time flies when you are having fun! Life went from hell, to livable, to OK, to good, to great. I heard it from vets over and over and over and I, like everyone else, just didn't believe them. Well, I do now.

KTC and each of you, played a part in saving my life - but more than that, you made my life worth living again. I don't really know how to adequately convey that message, so I'll just say "thank you."

Post roll, honor word. Its worked for me when not one other thing did for 25 years, so I won't be changing that formula. Time to go and look for some new quitters to help out!

Thank you KTC!
Damn fine work brother. Be seeing you soon!
Badass quitter!!! Congrats!
Congrats on 600 w2w - You are another one of those few that Old ES would name a "Captain" of his team. Proud to quit with you each and every day.
Nice 6 Hundo!!!! Keep er going!!!
Congrats W2W. I see you everyday, often just one post ahead of me posting support for others in their quit. Awesome job!
You are a big time quitter w2w! Keep doing what you do brother. You are one of the reasons that KTC works, and why it is so awesome. I QLF with you EDD!
Congratulations Brother! Thanks for being here.
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

Offline B-loMatt

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #256 on: August 18, 2014, 08:21:00 AM »
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: Enough
Quote from: sh4string
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: midwest04z
Quote from: worktowin
Day 600. I'm really humbled today. And really grateful, to this site and to all of you that have supported me or given me the honor to quit with you along the way. Finding this site on day 16 (the lowest point of my life) was a miracle. I hated guys posting numbers like this early on. One day at a time, today I am stunned to be posting a number like this... time flies when you are having fun! Life went from hell, to livable, to OK, to good, to great. I heard it from vets over and over and over and I, like everyone else, just didn't believe them. Well, I do now.

KTC and each of you, played a part in saving my life - but more than that, you made my life worth living again. I don't really know how to adequately convey that message, so I'll just say "thank you."

Post roll, honor word. Its worked for me when not one other thing did for 25 years, so I won't be changing that formula. Time to go and look for some new quitters to help out!

Thank you KTC!
Damn fine work brother. Be seeing you soon!
Badass quitter!!! Congrats!
Congrats on 600 w2w - You are another one of those few that Old ES would name a "Captain" of his team. Proud to quit with you each and every day.
Nice 6 Hundo!!!! Keep er going!!!
Congrats W2W. I see you everyday, often just one post ahead of me posting support for others in their quit. Awesome job!
You are a big time quitter w2w! Keep doing what you do brother. You are one of the reasons that KTC works, and why it is so awesome. I QLF with you EDD!

Offline Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #255 on: August 18, 2014, 08:15:00 AM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: Enough
Quote from: sh4string
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: midwest04z
Quote from: worktowin
Day 600. I'm really humbled today. And really grateful, to this site and to all of you that have supported me or given me the honor to quit with you along the way. Finding this site on day 16 (the lowest point of my life) was a miracle. I hated guys posting numbers like this early on. One day at a time, today I am stunned to be posting a number like this... time flies when you are having fun! Life went from hell, to livable, to OK, to good, to great. I heard it from vets over and over and over and I, like everyone else, just didn't believe them. Well, I do now.

KTC and each of you, played a part in saving my life - but more than that, you made my life worth living again. I don't really know how to adequately convey that message, so I'll just say "thank you."

Post roll, honor word. Its worked for me when not one other thing did for 25 years, so I won't be changing that formula. Time to go and look for some new quitters to help out!

Thank you KTC!
Damn fine work brother. Be seeing you soon!
Badass quitter!!! Congrats!
Congrats on 600 w2w - You are another one of those few that Old ES would name a "Captain" of his team. Proud to quit with you each and every day.
Nice 6 Hundo!!!! Keep er going!!!
Congrats W2W. I see you everyday, often just one post ahead of me posting support for others in their quit. Awesome job!

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #254 on: August 17, 2014, 11:01:00 AM »
Quote from: Enough
Quote from: sh4string
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: midwest04z
Quote from: worktowin
Day 600. I'm really humbled today. And really grateful, to this site and to all of you that have supported me or given me the honor to quit with you along the way. Finding this site on day 16 (the lowest point of my life) was a miracle. I hated guys posting numbers like this early on. One day at a time, today I am stunned to be posting a number like this... time flies when you are having fun! Life went from hell, to livable, to OK, to good, to great. I heard it from vets over and over and over and I, like everyone else, just didn't believe them. Well, I do now.

KTC and each of you, played a part in saving my life - but more than that, you made my life worth living again. I don't really know how to adequately convey that message, so I'll just say "thank you."

Post roll, honor word. Its worked for me when not one other thing did for 25 years, so I won't be changing that formula. Time to go and look for some new quitters to help out!

Thank you KTC!
Damn fine work brother. Be seeing you soon!
Badass quitter!!! Congrats!
Congrats on 600 w2w - You are another one of those few that Old ES would name a "Captain" of his team. Proud to quit with you each and every day.
Nice 6 Hundo!!!! Keep er going!!!
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
8th floor 08/12/14
9th floor 10/20/14
Comma 02/28/15
11th floor 06/08/15
12th floor 09/16/15
13th floor 12/25/15
14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Enough snuff

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #253 on: August 17, 2014, 10:43:00 AM »
Quote from: sh4string
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: midwest04z
Quote from: worktowin
Day 600. I'm really humbled today. And really grateful, to this site and to all of you that have supported me or given me the honor to quit with you along the way. Finding this site on day 16 (the lowest point of my life) was a miracle. I hated guys posting numbers like this early on. One day at a time, today I am stunned to be posting a number like this... time flies when you are having fun! Life went from hell, to livable, to OK, to good, to great. I heard it from vets over and over and over and I, like everyone else, just didn't believe them. Well, I do now.

KTC and each of you, played a part in saving my life - but more than that, you made my life worth living again. I don't really know how to adequately convey that message, so I'll just say "thank you."

Post roll, honor word. Its worked for me when not one other thing did for 25 years, so I won't be changing that formula. Time to go and look for some new quitters to help out!

Thank you KTC!
Damn fine work brother. Be seeing you soon!
Badass quitter!!! Congrats!
Congrats on 600 w2w - You are another one of those few that Old ES would name a "Captain" of his team. Proud to quit with you each and every day.
"You must do what others don't, to achieve what others won't"  Old Es

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #252 on: August 17, 2014, 06:31:00 AM »
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: midwest04z
Quote from: worktowin
Day 600. I'm really humbled today. And really grateful, to this site and to all of you that have supported me or given me the honor to quit with you along the way. Finding this site on day 16 (the lowest point of my life) was a miracle. I hated guys posting numbers like this early on. One day at a time, today I am stunned to be posting a number like this... time flies when you are having fun! Life went from hell, to livable, to OK, to good, to great. I heard it from vets over and over and over and I, like everyone else, just didn't believe them. Well, I do now.

KTC and each of you, played a part in saving my life - but more than that, you made my life worth living again. I don't really know how to adequately convey that message, so I'll just say "thank you."

Post roll, honor word. Its worked for me when not one other thing did for 25 years, so I won't be changing that formula. Time to go and look for some new quitters to help out!

Thank you KTC!
Damn fine work brother. Be seeing you soon!
Badass quitter!!! Congrats!
Quitting every damn day since October 21, 2013

Offline Steakbomb18

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #251 on: August 16, 2014, 11:55:00 PM »
Quote from: midwest04z
Quote from: worktowin
Day 600. I'm really humbled today. And really grateful, to this site and to all of you that have supported me or given me the honor to quit with you along the way. Finding this site on day 16 (the lowest point of my life) was a miracle. I hated guys posting numbers like this early on. One day at a time, today I am stunned to be posting a number like this... time flies when you are having fun! Life went from hell, to livable, to OK, to good, to great. I heard it from vets over and over and over and I, like everyone else, just didn't believe them. Well, I do now.

KTC and each of you, played a part in saving my life - but more than that, you made my life worth living again. I don't really know how to adequately convey that message, so I'll just say "thank you."

Post roll, honor word. Its worked for me when not one other thing did for 25 years, so I won't be changing that formula. Time to go and look for some new quitters to help out!

Thank you KTC!
Damn fine work brother. Be seeing you soon!
Certified Grade A Badass