Day 322. My 42nd birthday.
1986 was the last time I had a birthday cake without nicotine in my system. Well, until today! Chernobyl melted down that year. Microsoft started selling stock. Geraldo wasted all of our time trying to break into Al Capones tomb. The space shuttle exploded. And lady gaga was born. I cannot believe I chewed that long. Just cannot believe it.
Last night I decided to clean out my old shoes. While sorting them out, I picked up my pair of funeral/interview shoes. I haven't needed to wear those in a long time. They are uncomfortable and dorky. You probably have a pair, right? Well, three little gifts slid out of those sweaty uncomfortable shoes. Three new cans of kodiak.
I sat there stunned. How sad had my life been that I hid plant in my sweaty shoes? Pathetic. I opened the cans and flushed them. God that stuff smells terrible! I hadn't faced the enemy like that in almost a year. How did I shove that in my face for that long? I spent $40,000 on it? Got angry then, and shoved the cans back in those shoes and threw them out. Never liked those shoes anyway. Seemed like a good coffin for those cans too.
Happy birthday ktc. Thank you for giving me a birthday where I am no longer a slave. Thanks to all of you that have gotten me to a much better place in life. The support system on this site is the real deal. This has been an interesting week on this site, but I trust the admins completely. Their decision 7 years ago built this house of quit, and their decisions since have maintained it. We all owe them a world of gratitude today.
Happy Birthday brother
Happy Birthday Brother. It's crazy to think about the things we used to do while dipping. I'm proud to be quit with you. QLF with worktowin every day.
Happy Birthday brother! Enjoy the sweaty....I mean sweet taste of freedom today!
Happy Birthday brother. Because of your Geraldo reference I think I should throw a chair at you today to check your older reflexes. Have an awesome birthday brother!
"Geraldo wasted all of our time trying to break into Al Capones tomb"Holy crap that was in 1986? I remember watching that when I was a kid. It was really hyped up. Of course we didn't have cable back then or 200+ channels, or the internet so there wasn't much else to watch.
I started flirting with the crap a couple years after you and by 1989 when I was 16, had my own vehicle and could drive to certain stores that would sell to minors, I was a full fledged addict. What I wouldn't give to have a time machine and go back and kick the crap out that stupid kid I was.