DAY 367
I quit one year ago today on April 28th, 2011. This is the greatest accomplishment of my life. I want to thank the vets here at KTC--Chewie, Loot, TCope and all the rest---Thank you for what you do and thank you for this site! Also, I want to thank some friends who are on this journey with me--I have never met these guys, but maybe one day we will meet---Souliman, Scowick, March 2011, Dante, KTK, DC Hogs, Ag Lawyer, Per, Nicofiend and the rest of August 2011.
Now for you NEWBS--Listen Up
Here is what I did to be QUIT:
I posted roll every day for the last year--I did not miss one day. I made my promise to KTC and to my quit brothers---no excuses! You Quit ONE DAY AT A TIME!
I exchanged numbers with about 7 quit brothers and one veteran. Around day 60 I called TCope and he helped me through. At other times, I got on chat with KTK or exchanged texts others. I reached out when I needed a boost.
I educated myself by reading everything on this site and other sites on the internet. I became an informed quitter. I understood what was happening as my body/mind were recovering.
I made myself accountable to my wife, kids and friends. Make sure you have outside support.
I read Souliman's words of wisdom which made me feel super-human.
I am proud of myself-----not for this one year milestone, but for being Quit TODAY!
Lance 'archer'