I have heard crazy stories about Chantix before. It's up to you, but I'd personally stay away. Even if it helps real well, the stuff I've heard doesn't make it seem worth the risk.
I don't know if possible on Chantix, but I also want to remember these 8 days of shit-quit and look back on it as something I never want to go through again.
Great job on your quit so far K5! I'm a 38 year dipper on my 20th day of quit. I'm thinking that after having something in my mouth for 38 years that I'm probably always going to have something in my mouth. The good thing is now it doesn't have to be dip - I have a choice! I'm still new to this but let me try to answer your questions:
1. You will never "beat" this thing. You are a Nicotine addict. One slip and you are back to day one. That is why we quit one day at a time, every day. Post roll and commit to quit. Do it every morning. It really does help to keep you focused and more importantly not let you forget you are an addict and always will be.
2. You've had something in your mouth for 25 years. I bet you'll need something in your mouth for a long time after quiting. But at least you can choose something better than poison. Sunflower seeds, gum, tea bags, fake snuff, etc. all can help. The hard core Nic attacks will get fewer and fewer but be careful because they can jump up out of the blue even after years of quit. The need or habit of having somehting in your mouth is something that hopefully you can differentiate from a Nic craving and satisfy with something else.
3. Quitting is absolutely possible and we do it every day! Thing is, you have to be committed. There is no other choice but to admit you are an addict and never let any Nic in your body again. Fight it with anger and accept who you are!
P.S. - my buddy, who is dying of stomach cancer and inspired me to finally quit this crap, tried Chantix about 3 months before being diagnosed with cancer. The Chantix made him violently ill for 2 weeks then he stopped. I sure hope it was dip and not Chantix that gave him the cancer...