HELP! I'm a Newbie trying to quit. I've been dipping for about 4 years now and up to about a tin a day. I came out about it to my fiance about 2 weeks ago and she is being supportive, but doesn't know how. I don't know how I want her to be.
All I know is that it is the time I usually put a dip in and my gums are craving the taste! It hasn't even been 24 hours yet!
De, you want help man? Learn to help yourself, educate yourself to why it is in your best interest not to put a dip in your mouth. Read around, there's a lot of good information here about what nicotine and dip is doin to your body. You've got to want the quit, there's no easy out, you've literally been putting poison in your body for awhile now, you didn't think this would be easy right?
Posting roll everyday and renewing your commitment to your fiance, your quit brothers and more importantly to yourself that you will be quit that day. It's that simple De, manning up and growing some quit balls, that's the hard part, but embrace this suck, it will make you so much stronger not only in your quit but in life in general.
We can help you, your fiance can help you, but its on you to be quit, to make the decision to be a slave to the can no longer.
If you need anything, pm me, I'll be here for support,