I just decided to quit my habit about two hours ago. I am/was a regular user of Swedish Snus and a light user of Copenhagen for a little over two years. I am averaging around 1-2 pouches of snus on a weekday, around 4-6 pouches on a Saturday/Sunday, and a can of Copenhagen would last me about two weeks or so. I have been having ulcers in my mouth pop up one after the other (one would go away and another would pop up) for the past couple of weeks and I noticed that I am now completely addicted to the stuff. I know that my usage with tobacco is a lot less severe than many members of this site. However, I do not want to be addicted to anything, so I decided that now is the right time to give it up, and I just threw all of my cans in the garbage. So I just want to say hello, and I am looking forward to kicking this habit with the help of all you people.