Hey Travis - I hope you are quit today. I don't see a roll post - and that is the price of admission here.
Even if you stumbled and packed one this morning - today can still be a Day 1. Just don't think about it. In fact, your brain is not your best ally in all of this right now - so just do what you know is right - that you've wanted for so damn long. Decide right now to take back your life and stop putting that crap in your mouth. It is hard to believe right now but you can do this, you ARE stronger than a can of dead weeds. If necessary, just push through that first half hour. Then push through the next half hour. And again. And again. Get through one day. Then get up, post Day 2, and make your promise
HERE in JUNE 2018 to your new brothers and sisters in quit that you will make it through another day. Lean on them, let them lean on you. We don't do anything "tomorrow" around here. We just do it now and for today cause that's all we have. It sounds ridiculous. It sounds too simple to be true. It sounds like it could never work. But we are all here to tell you IT DOES. I'm 608 days quit - after being a slave to nicotine for over 35 years.
As sucky as it may be right now, I promise this is not your "new normal." Life gets so much better. So take the leap of faith.