Welcome Mike Bravo, to KTC, the best damn group of quitters on this planet. Seriously, read all you can. Read the welcome center, the hall of fame speeches, go look at the quit groups and read some of the current intros. Read all you can.
Looks like you posted roll. That is the most important thing. Keep your word, post it and keep it That is all it takes.
Get to know the people in your quit group. Post, send Private messages, get phone numbers and make yourself welcome.
Last thing from me is (and Im going to bust your balls here) Don't do the best you can, there is no going back, there is no failure, you post roll you don't do nicotine. End of story. The rest takes care of itself. Welcome to your freedom from poison, you will always be an addict but you will be a nicotine free addict like the rest of us. It gets easier, I promise.