Day 60
Tonight I was in the car and I had a crave. It was stronger than typical. Stronger than I have had in quite a while. I thought about the "nirvana dip" that I would get if I caved after 60 days. I ran my tongue along my bottom lip, the one that was cut up before, but now is nice and smooth. A dip wouldn't even burn, It would feel so good right there... Lies all f'ing LIES. I'm an addict, buying lies. Nirvana dip, my foot...Dip good, hell most of the time, I almost puked it out when I was done with it, gagging the dip into the spitter.
Was I close to caving? If I was not on guard, sure. If I wasn't informed, sure. If I didn't have anyone to be accountable to, sure. If I didn't remember how hard it was to get this far, sure. Being here keeps me reminded of all these things. Being a part of this community keeps me quit. Of that I am sure.
Thank YOU.