Rick I appreciate the response. I wouldn't want it any other way. Obviously I have had two "vacations" in the past. This time, however, it is for real. I know it but I know I have to prove it to the rest of you. I can see how roll call helps and works to do this.
I am up to the challenge, can't wait to tell you I told you so.
Learn from your past mistakes-Hardly any of us are at our first rodeo here. We've all tried every trick in the book to quit (unsuccessfully). I love seeing people say "I've thought about joining for the last xxx years". It means that (deep down), something tells them that our program works.
Think about your failures in the past, and figure out a way to not relive these failures. A fool learns from his own mistakes. A wiseman learns from others' mistakes. A dumbass keeps making the same mistakes. Ask questions here, and we'll support you.
Quit for today-My quit is real as well (All 940 days of it). However, the past means shit and the future is not guaranteed if I can't make it through today. Hell, if I can't make it through this second. You see, we can't control our past or our future. We got the NOW. 17 days is badass, but you, sir, are quit RIGHT NOW. Fucking say that as loud and as proud as you can because there are a lot of people in this world that don't have the balls you have. Plan for this moment. Own this moment.
Plan to be quit and you'll be quit. Although we can only worry about the now, we can set up our lives to remain quit in the future. When times are good, help a brother out. When times are bad, lean on one. Watch your drinking. Have gum/seeds/herbal snuff on you at all times. Think about your triggers, and think about when you'll be most tempted.
Most importantly, come here and post roll call. This is your cry for help and your battle cry in this war. You can do this.