Meeting over. Lucky I am just a paper pusher these days and no ones life is in danger, ship aint getting ready to run aground, etc... since I was not paying attention to anything anyone was telling me. I am literally shaking and ready to start throwing haymakers... JRIZZ, KKLJINC and SIRDerek... thanks for the guidance and comment. So basically what ur telling me is that I am at the point right now where it is either put up or shut up. It is time to find out what I am I made of! Either all in or get out. Lay down like a bitch or f-in fight for this quit.
Here is where I am. I am major addict and I got to get out from the grips of this evil m-f-er. Part of me wants to think - whoa is me... how did I get to this point? That is weakness speaking cuz it don't matter - I am in the fight now. Who gives a crap how I got here. This is not a pause or a temp shut down for ME. I have done that for too many years and it was not this hard cuz I was just putting my toe in the pool. I am all in here. I got to fight this nic B today like I have never fought for anything before. My life is on the F-in line. I am not going down here! I am gonna fight the fight! This is mine for the taking and I will have my life back! I am quit! I will stay quit! Not laying down!
Now you are getting it you keep swinging for the fences one minute, one hour, one day at a time. You are getting through the suck its the physical addiction that you are fighting right now. YOu can do this you are not alone we are all here. Keep fight Derk for you are in the fight of your is for your life. Your days of playing a slow game of Russion roulette are over.
What helped me early in my quit other than this site and everything it brings, is playing in my heard over and over in my head NEVER AGAIN FOR ANY REASON!!!!
Remember what it you feel like the 2x4 cracking through your skull embrace it...keep quit and no more 2x4s crashing through your more sweats...then after that comes the head games...
You dont have to work through the head games alone...start filling your tool bag to help you combat the Nic WHore well at least hold her off til we get there to help you.
By now you should have numbers in your phone and you should be reaching for that way before you reach for that contract. I am not bull shitting you that contract is not to be used first. your tools first then that.
PM me if you need anything.