What's up guys and gals my name is Ryan, I'm 23 and I'm from southeastern PA. I stumbled across this website while trying to find a substitute for dip. I've been dipping for almost 5 years now. Started off with Skoal wintergreen for about a year then switched to my current poison Grizzly wintergreen. I used to go through a can in 2-3 days then slowed down to about 1 can every week but I'm back up to a can every 3-4 days. I always told myself that I would quit when my dentist could tell I've been dipping. Well when I went about 3 months ago he could tell right off the bat and told me I needed to stop ASAP. Instead of stopping I switched sides and am now tearing up the other side of my mouth. Cancer runs rampant in my family so I know that I have a good chance one day of getting it. I've tried quitting before using this chopped up beef jerky that they sell but it still has little chunks that hurt my gums. I'm not a fan of sunflower seeds and don't know what else I can use to satisfy the feeling of having a lip in. Sorry for the long post just wanted to put as much info up as possible.
Glad your here Ryan. Listen to your dentist man, quit now, I remember being 23 and sometimes only using a can a week. If you dont quit youll be at a can/day before you know it. Doesnt really matter, a can a day or a can a week, it is still an addiction, and a deadly one at that.
I dipped for 25 years and thought I could never quit, then I found this site and have now been nicotine free for 185 days. Dump your shit Ryan and join me. I quit with you. I will send you a PM with some info. If you have any questions let me know. I suggest that you get on this site and get all the info you can.
Man, I wish I had been as smart as you are at 23. Then I wouldn't have spent so many years hiding and sneaking around so no one knew I chewed a can of kodiak a day. I would have spent more time with my family, my friends, my wife. I wouldn't have dared cancer to take a chance every day for 25 years. And I would have an extra $36,000 in my pocket. Hats off to you for seeing the light before you have the same, or a much worse, tale to tell.
Ill send you my info as well. Ryan is a great mentor man. He pulled me through several tough times and nicotine threw its best jabs at both of us - in slightly different ways. The next few days will be a challenge, but you can do it. Post roll first thing in the morning - as soon as you wake up! Then be a man of integrity and honor. You promised yourself and all of us that you won't use nicotine of any sort after you post roll. It has worked for Ryan. It has worked for me. Today is my 193rd quit day.
Welcome aboard and happy July 4th. Proud to be quit w you today.
It's funny how all of us with this addiction are the same. One can a week. Then, one can every 3 days. Then one can a day. After time, we try the can a week thing, and only make it two days. I can't tell you how many times I would take it down to 1 can every 2 days and thought I was accomplishing something. This went on for 25 plus years,, 25 I say!!!!!
You've been at this game for such a short time, believe me if you don't stick with this quit it will be 25 before you know it.
Those two guys right there ^^^^,, you might want to get those numbers and keep them close. They knows how and what it takes to quit. Quit with you