I was told about this site by a friend, and I think its what I need to do this. I have been dipping since I was 12, I'm 29 now. I have attempted to quit numerous times, but I always start again. My day starts with a chew and ends with a chew. Roughly four years ago I started a second job that won't allow me to chew, so in order to be stealh I started swallowing. I just find myself swallowing without even thinking about it even when I dont have to. Latley I have become a bit of a hypochondriac. I have a wife and a 4 year old boy, I dont want my boy picking up my habit. Also I don't want to die. I recently had a friend pass from throat cancer and I think that is what has made me realize even more its time. I have a doctors appointment tommorow 9 a.m, A buddy of mine quit chewing and smoking with chantix. I'm hoping it will help me also. Anyway, just wanted to tell my story and say hello.