Author Topic: snahsorg  (Read 17314 times)

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Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: snahsorg
« Reply #33 on: July 26, 2021, 09:31:55 AM »
...  I would STILL post roll daily and feel like shit when I miss a day.  Because only 1 thing has ever helped me quit, and I'll be damned if I am walking away from that voluntarily...
This was a great read as i think alot of people were wondering the same thing. For me its- quitting is hard, and when its not longer hard there will not be a day i wont Remember that i went through a year + of my life in the suck. there will never be a day in my life that i will forget i dipped in the first place. They will always be memories and for that simple and easy reason alone you will see my name in April 21 EDD. Thanks for the dialogue team and thanks for all you do around here.
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
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Re: snahsorg
« Reply #32 on: July 23, 2021, 10:50:37 AM »
...  I would STILL post roll daily and feel like shit when I miss a day.  Because only 1 thing has ever helped me quit, and I'll be damned if I am walking away from that voluntarily...
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
"I can't quit for you. I will quit with you" Ready
"There are two dogs in the fight, which one are you feeding?" SuperDave9000
"In the Navy we had morning muster. You never miss muster. You better be dead if you miss. If you are dying, you should have started crawling earlier, no excuse." Olcpo

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outdoortexan cancer

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Re: snahsorg
« Reply #31 on: July 21, 2021, 05:28:14 PM »
If someone could please explain to me why former mods, and might I add pillars of KTC, continue to disappear at an alarming rate, I would really appreciate it.

Delete this post and PM me if you want.
I have noticed that to and am curious as to why. I know that I have personally tried to be a part of other sections and have been run out because I don’t think the way they do. I just visit now and add comment sometimes but it is frustrating as it is not welcoming at all to newbies. I understand the burnout but to see the ones who just left is surprising.

I’ve seen it too many times…it’s an addict allowing themselves to feel under appreciated…not feel valued. It’s about feeling you are bigger then the site. It’s someone looking to leave and using an stupid excuse to do so.

We all get burnout. I’m burned out. I’m not leaving though.  I’m ok with posting and ghosting most days. It’s about being quit and helping others be quit too. If you are here for other reasons…this isn’t the place for you.

Shout out to all @Administrator and @Moderator  - thanks to you all for all that you do here!   8)
I think a few felt under appreciated and maybe thier concerns were swept away by higher ups. Too bad some felt leaving was their only option.
Any thoughts on this @Moderator
@Swilson  anything you want to add ?
I cannot comment on why someone who was very engaged and a leader make a personal decision to leave the site. 

One of the reasons we all take on the responsibility is to give back and pay it forward. KTC engagement is not just a mod  and admin responsibility, it is every member's responsibility to get involved and hold fellow quitters accountable to the process that has allowed so many to remain nicotine free.

I think it is Ego.  It is the ego of some of the admin who do sweep thoughts and other concerns under the rug from mods.  Ironic there are 14 prior mods that have left.  That’s really fucking interesting to me…. 

It is not ego on those that left.  That’s for damn sure.
It's not always ego. I too left at one time, but my ego played no part of it. I starting taking it personally when quitters that I took under my wing caved. I let that fuck me up in my mind and thought the only way to get over it was walk away. If I couldn't help, what was I doing here. I am back with a different mind set, knowing people need help. I just try to look at it know like the horse to water saying. 've done my part, now do yours.
This is such a loaded question and I'd like to start out by suggesting the speculation stop. There is a lot of what happens behind the scenes keeping this site up and running that most will never be aware of. The admod team is human made up from a bunch of addicts. Some folks accept the position excited to give back but aren't aware of the time commitment. They give it a run but ultimately decide to step back to re-focus their attention back to themselves or their family/job. This has happened more frequently lately than I can ever recall in my 5+ years here.

Others have felt underappreciated or maybe like their voice isn't being heard. Some have tried to step beyond the guidance realm that is the moderator position into making decisions which is the responsibility of the admins. The second anyone thinks they are bigger or more important than the site is the moment they descend into a very dangerous area and mindset. The moderator and admin positions are not glorious - we deal with a lot of stuff on a free nicotine cessation internet forum that would frankly blow your mind. But we slog through it day after day since it's a labor of love for us who simply want to ensure as many people as possible experience freedom from nicotine like we enjoy.

Everyone reaches a burnout point - the exit of some is more noticeable when they have been around for so long and have contributed much to the site. But at the end of the day, we can't force anyone to stay here nor can we quit for them.

I will say I'm exceedingly proud of our current moderator squad and the work they have been doing around the site to increase engagement and uphold the values of KTC.

Proud to be quit with each and every one of you today.
A more important question might be, "which of us will step in to take on the burden that each pillar held up?" George R.R. Martin wrote some good shit, but we're still waiting for more. Same with Patrick Rothfuss. At a certain point you run out of shit to say. What we need here are more Robert Jordan/Brandon Sandersons. One person can only do so much. It doesn't matter why they leave. It matters that someone else steps in to fill that role. It matters that this site continues to help people quit.
Love the feed back and this is how others are informed on topics. Thank you for answering multiple questions and Thank You to the mods and admins. This site works and I appreciate all you are doing.
Thank you to all who have taken the time to read and thoughtfully respond. There is a lot to unpack here; I will do my best.

@Thefranks5 the fact that you take the time in this intros section of the site to read and respond so often is very admirable. The most important thing you can give someone is your time, and I feel that you are giving back to KTC in a significant way.

@walterwhite can it really be attributed to ego for every single case, apparently 14? Ego in some cases, sure, but all? Before being an admin, you were a mod; from a mod perspective did you ever feel discontent for any reason, to any level where you considered leaving? I mean no disrespect in asking. I do not pretend to know your time commitment past and present to this community. I do not not pretend to know what it means to be an admin, a mod, or even a conductor. Your contributions to this place exceed mine by 1,000-fold at the very least. But 14 mods gone is a lot to lump under a single cause of ego… insert Ron White bit for comedic relief.

@Stranger999 I agree. I know nothing about what it takes to keep this place afloat, but I am very thankful for those admins and mods that do.

@MikeW2018 how did your bunghole feel today? (Inside joke)

@oldschool you are right, and you continue to be a stand-up dude. Thank you.

@MikeP15 my friend, this one stings particularly hard for you and me (and many others). Hard not to get over-amped defending someone we hold so dearly.

@bubblehed668 Thank you for coming back. Your recommitment has not gone unnoticed by me, for what it is worth.

@MNxEngineer Once again I see you post eloquently, carefully. I am certain that you and ww are correct in some/many cases, but again, all of this apparent 14?

@Zombo Funk hell of a question. There are always shoes to fill and expand upon, and anyone here could point a finger at me for asking such questions without having given back enough to really “get” the situation.

All - I am going to miss my friend here, who coincidentally was the first person at KTC to extend his hand to me. I found comfort in his presence and dedication to this place, and I am surprised by his seemingly sudden departure. The hardest part is that no one I have asked to date has really given me a solid explanation. Everyone is being very careful for their respective role, allies, and group. I am going to miss my friend, and I am not sure if I’ll ever know why he left. Not even he will divulge such information; quite admirable on his part if you ask me.

I realized this pretty early on during my first 100 days - you can't count on everyone here to keep posting roll or to even stay quit.  This is why we build our quit chain and keep adding to it.  This is why we attend quit meets and talk to other quitters on the phone.  If your digit list is static you are sure to run out of supporters someday.

At the end of the day, we are all quitters.  whether you are a site mod/admin, former, or none of the above.  We are all humans (I hope) as well, which means we all have an ego, we all have hot button issues, and we all take things differently.  At some point though we have to accept things for what they are, and above all else KTC saves lives from a terrible, nasty addiction.  You want to know why anybody leaves?  The answer is usually one of 3 things:
1a) "They are cured and no longer an addict"
1b) "I will always be an addict, but the only time I think of dipping is when I am on KTC so I am leaving"
1c) "I can do this on my own, and I have enough accountability."

Any other reason is just an excuse - KTC sole purpose is to help addicts quit using brotherhood and accountability.  EVERYTHING else is optional and secondary.  I dont care if every current or former mod and admin blocked me, and every post I made outside of roll got pissed on and ridiculed, and people even called me bad names.  I would STILL post roll daily and feel like shit when I miss a day.  Because only 1 thing has ever helped me quit, and I'll be damned if I am walking away from that voluntarily. 

So there - I just told you the only real reasons why your friend jumped off the life boat.  Better question is what are you going to do to make sure he can only swim alone for so long before drowning.  You would be stunned how many days/weeks/months quitters can gut it out but the long term survival rate for your quit alone in the wild is about the same as making it to shore from that life boat in the ocean. 

How well can your friend swim? 
The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attitude about the problem.  Do you understand?

Draw Fire

If its too much trouble to post roll call, you could always fuck off.

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Offline Stranger999

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Re: snahsorg
« Reply #30 on: July 20, 2021, 11:30:46 PM »
If someone could please explain to me why former mods, and might I add pillars of KTC, continue to disappear at an alarming rate, I would really appreciate it.

Delete this post and PM me if you want.
I have noticed that to and am curious as to why. I know that I have personally tried to be a part of other sections and have been run out because I don’t think the way they do. I just visit now and add comment sometimes but it is frustrating as it is not welcoming at all to newbies. I understand the burnout but to see the ones who just left is surprising.

I’ve seen it too many times…it’s an addict allowing themselves to feel under appreciated…not feel valued. It’s about feeling you are bigger then the site. It’s someone looking to leave and using an stupid excuse to do so.

We all get burnout. I’m burned out. I’m not leaving though.  I’m ok with posting and ghosting most days. It’s about being quit and helping others be quit too. If you are here for other reasons…this isn’t the place for you.

Shout out to all @Administrator and @Moderator  - thanks to you all for all that you do here!   8)
I think a few felt under appreciated and maybe thier concerns were swept away by higher ups. Too bad some felt leaving was their only option.
Any thoughts on this @Moderator
@Swilson  anything you want to add ?
I cannot comment on why someone who was very engaged and a leader make a personal decision to leave the site. 

One of the reasons we all take on the responsibility is to give back and pay it forward. KTC engagement is not just a mod  and admin responsibility, it is every member's responsibility to get involved and hold fellow quitters accountable to the process that has allowed so many to remain nicotine free.

I think it is Ego.  It is the ego of some of the admin who do sweep thoughts and other concerns under the rug from mods.  Ironic there are 14 prior mods that have left.  That’s really fucking interesting to me…. 

It is not ego on those that left.  That’s for damn sure.
It's not always ego. I too left at one time, but my ego played no part of it. I starting taking it personally when quitters that I took under my wing caved. I let that fuck me up in my mind and thought the only way to get over it was walk away. If I couldn't help, what was I doing here. I am back with a different mind set, knowing people need help. I just try to look at it know like the horse to water saying. 've done my part, now do yours.
This is such a loaded question and I'd like to start out by suggesting the speculation stop. There is a lot of what happens behind the scenes keeping this site up and running that most will never be aware of. The admod team is human made up from a bunch of addicts. Some folks accept the position excited to give back but aren't aware of the time commitment. They give it a run but ultimately decide to step back to re-focus their attention back to themselves or their family/job. This has happened more frequently lately than I can ever recall in my 5+ years here.

Others have felt underappreciated or maybe like their voice isn't being heard. Some have tried to step beyond the guidance realm that is the moderator position into making decisions which is the responsibility of the admins. The second anyone thinks they are bigger or more important than the site is the moment they descend into a very dangerous area and mindset. The moderator and admin positions are not glorious - we deal with a lot of stuff on a free nicotine cessation internet forum that would frankly blow your mind. But we slog through it day after day since it's a labor of love for us who simply want to ensure as many people as possible experience freedom from nicotine like we enjoy.

Everyone reaches a burnout point - the exit of some is more noticeable when they have been around for so long and have contributed much to the site. But at the end of the day, we can't force anyone to stay here nor can we quit for them.

I will say I'm exceedingly proud of our current moderator squad and the work they have been doing around the site to increase engagement and uphold the values of KTC.

Proud to be quit with each and every one of you today.
A more important question might be, "which of us will step in to take on the burden that each pillar held up?" George R.R. Martin wrote some good shit, but we're still waiting for more. Same with Patrick Rothfuss. At a certain point you run out of shit to say. What we need here are more Robert Jordan/Brandon Sandersons. One person can only do so much. It doesn't matter why they leave. It matters that someone else steps in to fill that role. It matters that this site continues to help people quit.
Love the feed back and this is how others are informed on topics. Thank you for answering multiple questions and Thank You to the mods and admins. This site works and I appreciate all you are doing.
Thank you to all who have taken the time to read and thoughtfully respond. There is a lot to unpack here; I will do my best.

@Thefranks5 the fact that you take the time in this intros section of the site to read and respond so often is very admirable. The most important thing you can give someone is your time, and I feel that you are giving back to KTC in a significant way.

@walterwhite can it really be attributed to ego for every single case, apparently 14? Ego in some cases, sure, but all? Before being an admin, you were a mod; from a mod perspective did you ever feel discontent for any reason, to any level where you considered leaving? I mean no disrespect in asking. I do not pretend to know your time commitment past and present to this community. I do not not pretend to know what it means to be an admin, a mod, or even a conductor. Your contributions to this place exceed mine by 1,000-fold at the very least. But 14 mods gone is a lot to lump under a single cause of ego… insert Ron White bit for comedic relief.

@Stranger999 I agree. I know nothing about what it takes to keep this place afloat, but I am very thankful for those admins and mods that do.

@MikeW2018 how did your bunghole feel today? (Inside joke)

@oldschool you are right, and you continue to be a stand-up dude. Thank you.

@MikeP15 my friend, this one stings particularly hard for you and me (and many others). Hard not to get over-amped defending someone we hold so dearly.

@bubblehed668 Thank you for coming back. Your recommitment has not gone unnoticed by me, for what it is worth.

@MNxEngineer Once again I see you post eloquently, carefully. I am certain that you and ww are correct in some/many cases, but again, all of this apparent 14?

@Zombo Funk hell of a question. There are always shoes to fill and expand upon, and anyone here could point a finger at me for asking such questions without having given back enough to really “get” the situation.

All - I am going to miss my friend here, who coincidentally was the first person at KTC to extend his hand to me. I found comfort in his presence and dedication to this place, and I am surprised by his seemingly sudden departure. The hardest part is that no one I have asked to date has really given me a solid explanation. Everyone is being very careful for their respective role, allies, and group. I am going to miss my friend, and I am not sure if I’ll ever know why he left. Not even he will divulge such information; quite admirable on his part if you ask me.

I realized this pretty early on during my first 100 days - you can't count on everyone here to keep posting roll or to even stay quit.  This is why we build our quit chain and keep adding to it.  This is why we attend quit meets and talk to other quitters on the phone.  If your digit list is static you are sure to run out of supporters someday.

Offline snahsorg

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Re: snahsorg
« Reply #29 on: July 20, 2021, 10:34:02 PM »
If someone could please explain to me why former mods, and might I add pillars of KTC, continue to disappear at an alarming rate, I would really appreciate it.

Delete this post and PM me if you want.
I have noticed that to and am curious as to why. I know that I have personally tried to be a part of other sections and have been run out because I don’t think the way they do. I just visit now and add comment sometimes but it is frustrating as it is not welcoming at all to newbies. I understand the burnout but to see the ones who just left is surprising.

I’ve seen it too many times…it’s an addict allowing themselves to feel under appreciated…not feel valued. It’s about feeling you are bigger then the site. It’s someone looking to leave and using an stupid excuse to do so.

We all get burnout. I’m burned out. I’m not leaving though.  I’m ok with posting and ghosting most days. It’s about being quit and helping others be quit too. If you are here for other reasons…this isn’t the place for you.

Shout out to all @Administrator and @Moderator  - thanks to you all for all that you do here!   8)
I think a few felt under appreciated and maybe thier concerns were swept away by higher ups. Too bad some felt leaving was their only option.
Any thoughts on this @Moderator
@Swilson  anything you want to add ?
I cannot comment on why someone who was very engaged and a leader make a personal decision to leave the site. 

One of the reasons we all take on the responsibility is to give back and pay it forward. KTC engagement is not just a mod  and admin responsibility, it is every member's responsibility to get involved and hold fellow quitters accountable to the process that has allowed so many to remain nicotine free.

I think it is Ego.  It is the ego of some of the admin who do sweep thoughts and other concerns under the rug from mods.  Ironic there are 14 prior mods that have left.  That’s really fucking interesting to me…. 

It is not ego on those that left.  That’s for damn sure.
It's not always ego. I too left at one time, but my ego played no part of it. I starting taking it personally when quitters that I took under my wing caved. I let that fuck me up in my mind and thought the only way to get over it was walk away. If I couldn't help, what was I doing here. I am back with a different mind set, knowing people need help. I just try to look at it know like the horse to water saying. 've done my part, now do yours.
This is such a loaded question and I'd like to start out by suggesting the speculation stop. There is a lot of what happens behind the scenes keeping this site up and running that most will never be aware of. The admod team is human made up from a bunch of addicts. Some folks accept the position excited to give back but aren't aware of the time commitment. They give it a run but ultimately decide to step back to re-focus their attention back to themselves or their family/job. This has happened more frequently lately than I can ever recall in my 5+ years here.

Others have felt underappreciated or maybe like their voice isn't being heard. Some have tried to step beyond the guidance realm that is the moderator position into making decisions which is the responsibility of the admins. The second anyone thinks they are bigger or more important than the site is the moment they descend into a very dangerous area and mindset. The moderator and admin positions are not glorious - we deal with a lot of stuff on a free nicotine cessation internet forum that would frankly blow your mind. But we slog through it day after day since it's a labor of love for us who simply want to ensure as many people as possible experience freedom from nicotine like we enjoy.

Everyone reaches a burnout point - the exit of some is more noticeable when they have been around for so long and have contributed much to the site. But at the end of the day, we can't force anyone to stay here nor can we quit for them.

I will say I'm exceedingly proud of our current moderator squad and the work they have been doing around the site to increase engagement and uphold the values of KTC.

Proud to be quit with each and every one of you today.
A more important question might be, "which of us will step in to take on the burden that each pillar held up?" George R.R. Martin wrote some good shit, but we're still waiting for more. Same with Patrick Rothfuss. At a certain point you run out of shit to say. What we need here are more Robert Jordan/Brandon Sandersons. One person can only do so much. It doesn't matter why they leave. It matters that someone else steps in to fill that role. It matters that this site continues to help people quit.
Love the feed back and this is how others are informed on topics. Thank you for answering multiple questions and Thank You to the mods and admins. This site works and I appreciate all you are doing.
Thank you to all who have taken the time to read and thoughtfully respond. There is a lot to unpack here; I will do my best.

@Thefranks5 the fact that you take the time in this intros section of the site to read and respond so often is very admirable. The most important thing you can give someone is your time, and I feel that you are giving back to KTC in a significant way.

@walterwhite can it really be attributed to ego for every single case, apparently 14? Ego in some cases, sure, but all? Before being an admin, you were a mod; from a mod perspective did you ever feel discontent for any reason, to any level where you considered leaving? I mean no disrespect in asking. I do not pretend to know your time commitment past and present to this community. I do not not pretend to know what it means to be an admin, a mod, or even a conductor. Your contributions to this place exceed mine by 1,000-fold at the very least. But 14 mods gone is a lot to lump under a single cause of ego… insert Ron White bit for comedic relief.

@Stranger999 I agree. I know nothing about what it takes to keep this place afloat, but I am very thankful for those admins and mods that do.

@MikeW2018 how did your bunghole feel today? (Inside joke)

@oldschool you are right, and you continue to be a stand-up dude. Thank you.

@MikeP15 my friend, this one stings particularly hard for you and me (and many others). Hard not to get over-amped defending someone we hold so dearly.

@bubblehed668 Thank you for coming back. Your recommitment has not gone unnoticed by me, for what it is worth.

@MNxEngineer Once again I see you post eloquently, carefully. I am certain that you and ww are correct in some/many cases, but again, all of this apparent 14?

@Zombo Funk hell of a question. There are always shoes to fill and expand upon, and anyone here could point a finger at me for asking such questions without having given back enough to really “get” the situation.

All - I am going to miss my friend here, who coincidentally was the first person at KTC to extend his hand to me. I found comfort in his presence and dedication to this place, and I am surprised by his seemingly sudden departure. The hardest part is that no one I have asked to date has really given me a solid explanation. Everyone is being very careful for their respective role, allies, and group. I am going to miss my friend, and I am not sure if I’ll ever know why he left. Not even he will divulge such information; quite admirable on his part if you ask me.

Offline MikeP15

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Re: snahsorg
« Reply #28 on: July 20, 2021, 08:50:08 PM »
Be Strong. Be Quit. One Day at a Time

HoF - 11/23/17 2nd Floor - 3/3/18 3rd Floor - 6/11/18 1 Year - 8/15/18 4th Floor - 9/19/18 5th Floor - 12/28/18 6th Floor - 4/7/19 7th Floor - 7/16/19 2 Years - 8/15/19 8th Floor - 10/24/19  9th Floor - 2/01/2020 Comma (,) - 5/11/2020 3 Years - 8/14/2020 11th Floor - 8/19/2020 12th Floor - 11/29/2020 13th Floor - 3/7/2021 14th Floor - 6/15/2021 4 Years - 8/16/2021 15th Floor - 9/23/202116th Floor - 01/01/2022 17th Floor - 4/11/2022

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Re: snahsorg
« Reply #27 on: July 20, 2021, 03:13:18 PM »
If someone could please explain to me why former mods, and might I add pillars of KTC, continue to disappear at an alarming rate, I would really appreciate it.

Delete this post and PM me if you want.
I have noticed that to and am curious as to why. I know that I have personally tried to be a part of other sections and have been run out because I don’t think the way they do. I just visit now and add comment sometimes but it is frustrating as it is not welcoming at all to newbies. I understand the burnout but to see the ones who just left is surprising.

I’ve seen it too many times…it’s an addict allowing themselves to feel under appreciated…not feel valued. It’s about feeling you are bigger then the site. It’s someone looking to leave and using an stupid excuse to do so.

We all get burnout. I’m burned out. I’m not leaving though.  I’m ok with posting and ghosting most days. It’s about being quit and helping others be quit too. If you are here for other reasons…this isn’t the place for you.

Shout out to all @Administrator and @Moderator  - thanks to you all for all that you do here!   8)
I think a few felt under appreciated and maybe thier concerns were swept away by higher ups. Too bad some felt leaving was their only option.
Any thoughts on this @Moderator
@Swilson  anything you want to add ?
I cannot comment on why someone who was very engaged and a leader make a personal decision to leave the site. 

One of the reasons we all take on the responsibility is to give back and pay it forward. KTC engagement is not just a mod  and admin responsibility, it is every member's responsibility to get involved and hold fellow quitters accountable to the process that has allowed so many to remain nicotine free.

I think it is Ego.  It is the ego of some of the admin who do sweep thoughts and other concerns under the rug from mods.  Ironic there are 14 prior mods that have left.  That’s really fucking interesting to me…. 

It is not ego on those that left.  That’s for damn sure.
It's not always ego. I too left at one time, but my ego played no part of it. I starting taking it personally when quitters that I took under my wing caved. I let that fuck me up in my mind and thought the only way to get over it was walk away. If I couldn't help, what was I doing here. I am back with a different mind set, knowing people need help. I just try to look at it know like the horse to water saying. 've done my part, now do yours.
This is such a loaded question and I'd like to start out by suggesting the speculation stop. There is a lot of what happens behind the scenes keeping this site up and running that most will never be aware of. The admod team is human made up from a bunch of addicts. Some folks accept the position excited to give back but aren't aware of the time commitment. They give it a run but ultimately decide to step back to re-focus their attention back to themselves or their family/job. This has happened more frequently lately than I can ever recall in my 5+ years here.

Others have felt underappreciated or maybe like their voice isn't being heard. Some have tried to step beyond the guidance realm that is the moderator position into making decisions which is the responsibility of the admins. The second anyone thinks they are bigger or more important than the site is the moment they descend into a very dangerous area and mindset. The moderator and admin positions are not glorious - we deal with a lot of stuff on a free nicotine cessation internet forum that would frankly blow your mind. But we slog through it day after day since it's a labor of love for us who simply want to ensure as many people as possible experience freedom from nicotine like we enjoy.

Everyone reaches a burnout point - the exit of some is more noticeable when they have been around for so long and have contributed much to the site. But at the end of the day, we can't force anyone to stay here nor can we quit for them.

I will say I'm exceedingly proud of our current moderator squad and the work they have been doing around the site to increase engagement and uphold the values of KTC.

Proud to be quit with each and every one of you today.
A more important question might be, "which of us will step in to take on the burden that each pillar held up?" George R.R. Martin wrote some good shit, but we're still waiting for more. Same with Patrick Rothfuss. At a certain point you run out of shit to say. What we need here are more Robert Jordan/Brandon Sandersons. One person can only do so much. It doesn't matter why they leave. It matters that someone else steps in to fill that role. It matters that this site continues to help people quit.
Love the feed back and this is how others are informed on topics. Thank you for answering multiple questions and Thank You to the mods and admins. This site works and I appreciate all you are doing.

Offline Zombo Funk

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Re: snahsorg
« Reply #26 on: July 20, 2021, 10:08:24 AM »
If someone could please explain to me why former mods, and might I add pillars of KTC, continue to disappear at an alarming rate, I would really appreciate it.

Delete this post and PM me if you want.
I have noticed that to and am curious as to why. I know that I have personally tried to be a part of other sections and have been run out because I don’t think the way they do. I just visit now and add comment sometimes but it is frustrating as it is not welcoming at all to newbies. I understand the burnout but to see the ones who just left is surprising.

I’ve seen it too many times…it’s an addict allowing themselves to feel under appreciated…not feel valued. It’s about feeling you are bigger then the site. It’s someone looking to leave and using an stupid excuse to do so.

We all get burnout. I’m burned out. I’m not leaving though.  I’m ok with posting and ghosting most days. It’s about being quit and helping others be quit too. If you are here for other reasons…this isn’t the place for you.

Shout out to all @Administrator and @Moderator  - thanks to you all for all that you do here!   8)
I think a few felt under appreciated and maybe thier concerns were swept away by higher ups. Too bad some felt leaving was their only option.
Any thoughts on this @Moderator
@Swilson  anything you want to add ?
I cannot comment on why someone who was very engaged and a leader make a personal decision to leave the site. 

One of the reasons we all take on the responsibility is to give back and pay it forward. KTC engagement is not just a mod  and admin responsibility, it is every member's responsibility to get involved and hold fellow quitters accountable to the process that has allowed so many to remain nicotine free.

I think it is Ego.  It is the ego of some of the admin who do sweep thoughts and other concerns under the rug from mods.  Ironic there are 14 prior mods that have left.  That’s really fucking interesting to me…. 

It is not ego on those that left.  That’s for damn sure.
It's not always ego. I too left at one time, but my ego played no part of it. I starting taking it personally when quitters that I took under my wing caved. I let that fuck me up in my mind and thought the only way to get over it was walk away. If I couldn't help, what was I doing here. I am back with a different mind set, knowing people need help. I just try to look at it know like the horse to water saying. 've done my part, now do yours.
This is such a loaded question and I'd like to start out by suggesting the speculation stop. There is a lot of what happens behind the scenes keeping this site up and running that most will never be aware of. The admod team is human made up from a bunch of addicts. Some folks accept the position excited to give back but aren't aware of the time commitment. They give it a run but ultimately decide to step back to re-focus their attention back to themselves or their family/job. This has happened more frequently lately than I can ever recall in my 5+ years here.

Others have felt underappreciated or maybe like their voice isn't being heard. Some have tried to step beyond the guidance realm that is the moderator position into making decisions which is the responsibility of the admins. The second anyone thinks they are bigger or more important than the site is the moment they descend into a very dangerous area and mindset. The moderator and admin positions are not glorious - we deal with a lot of stuff on a free nicotine cessation internet forum that would frankly blow your mind. But we slog through it day after day since it's a labor of love for us who simply want to ensure as many people as possible experience freedom from nicotine like we enjoy.

Everyone reaches a burnout point - the exit of some is more noticeable when they have been around for so long and have contributed much to the site. But at the end of the day, we can't force anyone to stay here nor can we quit for them.

I will say I'm exceedingly proud of our current moderator squad and the work they have been doing around the site to increase engagement and uphold the values of KTC.

Proud to be quit with each and every one of you today.
A more important question might be, "which of us will step in to take on the burden that each pillar held up?" George R.R. Martin wrote some good shit, but we're still waiting for more. Same with Patrick Rothfuss. At a certain point you run out of shit to say. What we need here are more Robert Jordan/Brandon Sandersons. One person can only do so much. It doesn't matter why they leave. It matters that someone else steps in to fill that role. It matters that this site continues to help people quit.

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Re: snahsorg
« Reply #25 on: July 20, 2021, 09:47:09 AM »
If someone could please explain to me why former mods, and might I add pillars of KTC, continue to disappear at an alarming rate, I would really appreciate it.

Delete this post and PM me if you want.
I have noticed that to and am curious as to why. I know that I have personally tried to be a part of other sections and have been run out because I don’t think the way they do. I just visit now and add comment sometimes but it is frustrating as it is not welcoming at all to newbies. I understand the burnout but to see the ones who just left is surprising.

I’ve seen it too many times…it’s an addict allowing themselves to feel under appreciated…not feel valued. It’s about feeling you are bigger then the site. It’s someone looking to leave and using an stupid excuse to do so.

We all get burnout. I’m burned out. I’m not leaving though.  I’m ok with posting and ghosting most days. It’s about being quit and helping others be quit too. If you are here for other reasons…this isn’t the place for you.

Shout out to all @Administrator and @Moderator  - thanks to you all for all that you do here!   8)
I think a few felt under appreciated and maybe thier concerns were swept away by higher ups. Too bad some felt leaving was their only option.
Any thoughts on this @Moderator
@Swilson  anything you want to add ?
I cannot comment on why someone who was very engaged and a leader make a personal decision to leave the site. 

One of the reasons we all take on the responsibility is to give back and pay it forward. KTC engagement is not just a mod  and admin responsibility, it is every member's responsibility to get involved and hold fellow quitters accountable to the process that has allowed so many to remain nicotine free.

I think it is Ego.  It is the ego of some of the admin who do sweep thoughts and other concerns under the rug from mods.  Ironic there are 14 prior mods that have left.  That’s really fucking interesting to me…. 

It is not ego on those that left.  That’s for damn sure.
It's not always ego. I too left at one time, but my ego played no part of it. I starting taking it personally when quitters that I took under my wing caved. I let that fuck me up in my mind and thought the only way to get over it was walk away. If I couldn't help, what was I doing here. I am back with a different mind set, knowing people need help. I just try to look at it know like the horse to water saying. 've done my part, now do yours.
This is such a loaded question and I'd like to start out by suggesting the speculation stop. There is a lot of what happens behind the scenes keeping this site up and running that most will never be aware of. The admod team is human made up from a bunch of addicts. Some folks accept the position excited to give back but aren't aware of the time commitment. They give it a run but ultimately decide to step back to re-focus their attention back to themselves or their family/job. This has happened more frequently lately than I can ever recall in my 5+ years here.

Others have felt underappreciated or maybe like their voice isn't being heard. Some have tried to step beyond the guidance realm that is the moderator position into making decisions which is the responsibility of the admins. The second anyone thinks they are bigger or more important than the site is the moment they descend into a very dangerous area and mindset. The moderator and admin positions are not glorious - we deal with a lot of stuff on a free nicotine cessation internet forum that would frankly blow your mind. But we slog through it day after day since it's a labor of love for us who simply want to ensure as many people as possible experience freedom from nicotine like we enjoy.

Everyone reaches a burnout point - the exit of some is more noticeable when they have been around for so long and have contributed much to the site. But at the end of the day, we can't force anyone to stay here nor can we quit for them.

I will say I'm exceedingly proud of our current moderator squad and the work they have been doing around the site to increase engagement and uphold the values of KTC.

Proud to be quit with each and every one of you today.
Quit: 04.25.16 | HOF: 08.02.16 | 2nd FL: 11.10.16 | 3rd FL: 02.18.17 | 4th FL: 05.29.17 | 5th FL: 09.06.17 | 6th FL: 12.15.17 | 7th FL: 03.25.18 |
8th FL: 07.03.18 | 9th FL: 10.11.18 | Comma: 01.19.19 | 11th FL: 04.29.19 | 12th FL: 08.07.19 | 13th FL: 11.15.19 | 14th FL: 02.23.20 |
15th FL: 06.02.20 | 16th FL: 09.10.20 | 17th FL: 12.19.20 | 18th FL: 03.29.21 | 19th FL: 07.07.21 | Comma 2x: 10.15.21 | 21st FL: 01.23.22 |
22nd FL: 05.03.22 | 23rd FL: 08.11.22 | 24th FL: 11.19.22 | 25th FL: 02.27.23 | 26th FL: 06.07.23 | 27th FL: 09.15.23 | 28th FL: 12.24.23 |
29th FL: 04.02.24 |

"From Skoal to Skol!" My HOF Speech HERE!
"There is no victory without a battle."
"Cave = losing an argument to a dead plant in a plastic can. You are smarter than a dead plant." - Candoit
"The truth is the truth even if no one believes it, and a lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it." - Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

Feel like throwing in the towel? Sign the "Contract to Give Up" HERE
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Offline bubblehed668

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Re: snahsorg
« Reply #24 on: July 20, 2021, 09:37:53 AM »
If someone could please explain to me why former mods, and might I add pillars of KTC, continue to disappear at an alarming rate, I would really appreciate it.

Delete this post and PM me if you want.
I have noticed that to and am curious as to why. I know that I have personally tried to be a part of other sections and have been run out because I don’t think the way they do. I just visit now and add comment sometimes but it is frustrating as it is not welcoming at all to newbies. I understand the burnout but to see the ones who just left is surprising.

I’ve seen it too many times…it’s an addict allowing themselves to feel under appreciated…not feel valued. It’s about feeling you are bigger then the site. It’s someone looking to leave and using an stupid excuse to do so.

We all get burnout. I’m burned out. I’m not leaving though.  I’m ok with posting and ghosting most days. It’s about being quit and helping others be quit too. If you are here for other reasons…this isn’t the place for you.

Shout out to all @Administrator and @Moderator  - thanks to you all for all that you do here!   8)
I think a few felt under appreciated and maybe thier concerns were swept away by higher ups. Too bad some felt leaving was their only option.
Any thoughts on this @Moderator
@Swilson  anything you want to add ?
I cannot comment on why someone who was very engaged and a leader make a personal decision to leave the site. 

One of the reasons we all take on the responsibility is to give back and pay it forward. KTC engagement is not just a mod  and admin responsibility, it is every member's responsibility to get involved and hold fellow quitters accountable to the process that has allowed so many to remain nicotine free.

I think it is Ego.  It is the ego of some of the admin who do sweep thoughts and other concerns under the rug from mods.  Ironic there are 14 prior mods that have left.  That’s really fucking interesting to me…. 

It is not ego on those that left.  That’s for damn sure.
It's not always ego. I too left at one time, but my ego played no part of it. I starting taking it personally when quitters that I took under my wing caved. I let that fuck me up in my mind and thought the only way to get over it was walk away. If I couldn't help, what was I doing here. I am back with a different mind set, knowing people need help. I just try to look at it know like the horse to water saying. 've done my part, now do yours.
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Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

Offline MikeP15

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Re: snahsorg
« Reply #23 on: July 20, 2021, 07:39:15 AM »
If someone could please explain to me why former mods, and might I add pillars of KTC, continue to disappear at an alarming rate, I would really appreciate it.

Delete this post and PM me if you want.
I have noticed that to and am curious as to why. I know that I have personally tried to be a part of other sections and have been run out because I don’t think the way they do. I just visit now and add comment sometimes but it is frustrating as it is not welcoming at all to newbies. I understand the burnout but to see the ones who just left is surprising.

I’ve seen it too many times…it’s an addict allowing themselves to feel under appreciated…not feel valued. It’s about feeling you are bigger then the site. It’s someone looking to leave and using an stupid excuse to do so.

We all get burnout. I’m burned out. I’m not leaving though.  I’m ok with posting and ghosting most days. It’s about being quit and helping others be quit too. If you are here for other reasons…this isn’t the place for you.

Shout out to all @Administrator and @Moderator  - thanks to you all for all that you do here!   8)
I think a few felt under appreciated and maybe thier concerns were swept away by higher ups. Too bad some felt leaving was their only option.
Any thoughts on this @Moderator
@Swilson  anything you want to add ?
I cannot comment on why someone who was very engaged and a leader make a personal decision to leave the site. 

One of the reasons we all take on the responsibility is to give back and pay it forward. KTC engagement is not just a mod  and admin responsibility, it is every member's responsibility to get involved and hold fellow quitters accountable to the process that has allowed so many to remain nicotine free.

I think it is Ego.  It is the ego of some of the admin who do sweep thoughts and other concerns under the rug from mods.  Ironic there are 14 prior mods that have left.  That’s really fucking interesting to me…. 

It is not ego on those that left.  That’s for damn sure. 
« Last Edit: July 20, 2021, 07:44:15 AM by MikeP15 »
Be Strong. Be Quit. One Day at a Time

HoF - 11/23/17 2nd Floor - 3/3/18 3rd Floor - 6/11/18 1 Year - 8/15/18 4th Floor - 9/19/18 5th Floor - 12/28/18 6th Floor - 4/7/19 7th Floor - 7/16/19 2 Years - 8/15/19 8th Floor - 10/24/19  9th Floor - 2/01/2020 Comma (,) - 5/11/2020 3 Years - 8/14/2020 11th Floor - 8/19/2020 12th Floor - 11/29/2020 13th Floor - 3/7/2021 14th Floor - 6/15/2021 4 Years - 8/16/2021 15th Floor - 9/23/202116th Floor - 01/01/2022 17th Floor - 4/11/2022

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Re: snahsorg
« Reply #22 on: July 20, 2021, 07:34:43 AM »
If someone could please explain to me why former mods, and might I add pillars of KTC, continue to disappear at an alarming rate, I would really appreciate it.

Delete this post and PM me if you want.
I have noticed that to and am curious as to why. I know that I have personally tried to be a part of other sections and have been run out because I don’t think the way they do. I just visit now and add comment sometimes but it is frustrating as it is not welcoming at all to newbies. I understand the burnout but to see the ones who just left is surprising.

I’ve seen it too many times…it’s an addict allowing themselves to feel under appreciated…not feel valued. It’s about feeling you are bigger then the site. It’s someone looking to leave and using an stupid excuse to do so.

We all get burnout. I’m burned out. I’m not leaving though.  I’m ok with posting and ghosting most days. It’s about being quit and helping others be quit too. If you are here for other reasons…this isn’t the place for you.

Shout out to all @Administrator and @Moderator  - thanks to you all for all that you do here!   8)
I think a few felt under appreciated and maybe thier concerns were swept away by higher ups. Too bad some felt leaving was their only option.
Any thoughts on this @Moderator
@Swilson  anything you want to add ?
I cannot comment on why someone who was very engaged and a leader make a personal decision to leave the site. 

One of the reasons we all take on the responsibility is to give back and pay it forward. KTC engagement is not just a mod  and admin responsibility, it is every member's responsibility to get involved and hold fellow quitters accountable to the process that has allowed so many to remain nicotine free.

The only time you fail, is if you don't try

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Re: snahsorg
« Reply #21 on: July 20, 2021, 06:44:29 AM »
If someone could please explain to me why former mods, and might I add pillars of KTC, continue to disappear at an alarming rate, I would really appreciate it.

Delete this post and PM me if you want.
I have noticed that to and am curious as to why. I know that I have personally tried to be a part of other sections and have been run out because I don’t think the way they do. I just visit now and add comment sometimes but it is frustrating as it is not welcoming at all to newbies. I understand the burnout but to see the ones who just left is surprising.

I’ve seen it too many times…it’s an addict allowing themselves to feel under appreciated…not feel valued. It’s about feeling you are bigger then the site. It’s someone looking to leave and using an stupid excuse to do so.

We all get burnout. I’m burned out. I’m not leaving though.  I’m ok with posting and ghosting most days. It’s about being quit and helping others be quit too. If you are here for other reasons…this isn’t the place for you.

Shout out to all @Administrator and @Moderator  - thanks to you all for all that you do here!   8)
I think a few felt under appreciated and maybe thier concerns were swept away by higher ups. Too bad some felt leaving was their only option.
Any thoughts on this @Moderator
@Swilson  anything you want to add ?  @MikeP15  ?
« Last Edit: July 20, 2021, 07:31:06 AM by MikeW2018 »
I am in competition with no one.I seek only to be better tomorrow than I was today

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Re: snahsorg
« Reply #20 on: July 19, 2021, 10:33:50 PM »
If someone could please explain to me why former mods, and might I add pillars of KTC, continue to disappear at an alarming rate, I would really appreciate it.

Delete this post and PM me if you want.
I have noticed that to and am curious as to why. I know that I have personally tried to be a part of other sections and have been run out because I don’t think the way they do. I just visit now and add comment sometimes but it is frustrating as it is not welcoming at all to newbies. I understand the burnout but to see the ones who just left is surprising.

I’ve seen it too many times…it’s an addict allowing themselves to feel under appreciated…not feel valued. It’s about feeling you are bigger then the site. It’s someone looking to leave and using an stupid excuse to do so.

We all get burnout. I’m burned out. I’m not leaving though.  I’m ok with posting and ghosting most days. It’s about being quit and helping others be quit too. If you are here for other reasons…this isn’t the place for you.

Shout out to all @Administrator and @Moderator  - thanks to you all for all that you do here!   8)

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Re: snahsorg
« Reply #19 on: July 19, 2021, 09:56:26 PM »
If someone could please explain to me why former mods, and might I add pillars of KTC, continue to disappear at an alarming rate, I would really appreciate it.

Delete this post and PM me if you want.
I have noticed that to and am curious as to why. I know that I have personally tried to be a part of other sections and have been run out because I don’t think the way they do. I just visit now and add comment sometimes but it is frustrating as it is not welcoming at all to newbies. I understand the burnout but to see the ones who just left is surprising.

I’ve seen it too many times…it’s an addict allowing themselves to feel under appreciated…not feel valued. It’s about feeling you are bigger then the site. It’s someone looking to leave and using an stupid excuse to do so.

We all get burnout. I’m burned out. I’m not leaving though.  I’m ok with posting and ghosting most days. It’s about being quit and helping others be quit too. If you are here for other reasons…this isn’t the place for you.
You will NEVER regret quitting. You will ALWAYS regret caving ~ NOLAQ

Everyday an addict reminds himself he is an addict is a day an addict earns another day of freedom. ~ Scowick65

To persevere is important for everybody. Don't give up, don't give in. There's always an answer to everything. ~ Louis Zamperini