I am not "cured" yet, so I am going to keep up this journal.(joke)
Today was a good day. Awhile ago I told the owner of my c-store that I had quit. He runs it with 3 of his sons. I went in there for only the 2nd time since quitting to get gum today. One of the sons told me the whole family knew about me quitting. He said they were proud of me and that they would not sell me any if I asked. That made my day. There are some good people out there still. They are my brothers of quit now too.
Lately, I have come to realize that during my 26 years of slavery my emotion detector was flat-lined. No real feelings. Now it seems I am really feeling things again. So many things (sights,sounds,tastes) seem new to me. I walked my dog by a baseball game at the college today and the sounds and smells were so new to me I just stood there feeling so thankful I found this place. My wife even commented about me being nicer to be around. ( I know, it's sounds like I'm hormonal) But this is good life shit that I can see happening right before my eyes. I'm sick of beating myself up over not doing this sooner. I am so quit and so happy about that!
Any way the icing on this big pile of quit is that a brother who has really helped me a lot made the hall today! Here's to more good days that become closer together.
Never, ever, again. Cheers Quitters!