"Because at one point the suck won't suck any more and the fog will lift, somewhat of a quit euphoria and I tell you - it never goes away (the euphoria of quit), but only if you nurture it."
That was written by my March '14 brother Steakbomb in MacP74's intro. I have been feeling this for a long time and was having trouble putting it down into words. Our quits have to be nurtured and we have to adjust our attitudes to be truly successful at quitting. Quitting is a lot more than just not dipping. In the beginning just not dipping is everything, but as we progress we have to learn about our addiction and somehow get to the point where we really hate that past part of us and really hate nicotine. Get beyond simply quitting and start really loving FREEDOM.
I see so many cavers after 6 months and longer, and we all know by that time its all mental and obviously they were not "nurturing their quits. Post roll, make friends, stay accountable to them, and above all nurture those quits!