First, I am bad with all the blog/forum/site nav if I mess up, apologies and feel free to offer any pointers, tips, etc. I'll try not to screw things up here too bad.
Second, I love the idea of this site and have already been inspired by a number of things I have seen here. I really believe that this is going to make a difference for me this time around. Thank you to this entire Community! Just knowing that it exists is very powerful.
Now on to my story (which is, I hope, what this section is supposed to be about). I am a 51 year old CEO of a medium sized business in northern Ohio. I have been dipping since I was 16. It was all fun and games through high school, college, the army and even grad school. Then, I tried to quit and realized (for the first time I think)...holy sh*t this stuff is REALLY addictive. Since then I have tried any number of times to quit, but have always fell off the wagon. Maybe 5 years ago, I decided that it was hopeless and decided to work on other aspects of health. Since then my habit has ballooned out to basically 2 cans a day, which is absolutely ridiculous. Oh, and I am pretty much a closet dipper, trying to hide this disgusting habit from as many people as I can, which frequently makes me an anti-social liar!
Anyway, I have an awesome life and a great family. Sure there are stresses, but to let this f*cking little can rule my world is (to me) an affront to the kind of man I am called to be. So, it must end.
There is never a perfect time, as I have learned over the years...but just got past a big golf trip with my ol college buddies, I have an exec physical in about a month, and my lovely wife (who has known about my habit for years but mostly turned a blind eye) recently found ANOTHER "hidden" can and asked me in the most loving possible way, to please stop this. So, I started web surfing and found this site...lurked for a few days, did some reading up...and felt totally jazzed that I could f*cking do it - once and forever - this time...especially with some people who could relate for support (you!) and a place where I could unload (here!) at the ready.
So I used up the last of my Skoal last night...put the Smokey Mountain and sun seeds I bought on Friday in my pocket this morning...and headed to work. This is Day 1 and I am quit. One day at a time. Thank you!