Author Topic: Alright so... Day two... SOB this isn't easy.  (Read 1952 times)

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Re: Alright so... Day two... SOB this isn't easy.
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2015, 02:45:00 PM »

Looks like you have been here before....
The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attitude about the problem.  Do you understand?

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If its too much trouble to post roll call, you could always fuck off.

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Offline copingwithoutcopen

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Re: Alright so... Day two... SOB this isn't easy.
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2012, 12:41:00 PM »
Glad to hear everything is alright and you've been "crushin seeds" but here's the thing. You gotta put as much effort into your quit as you put into being an addict. We post roll early and promise our brothers that the lip poison is not an option that day. If you've got to get up 10 minutes early to make that happen so be it. I would have traveled 30 miles and killed half a day to get that fix. Compared to that, this is easy. You deserve better and your December brothers deserve better.

Offline copingwithoutcopen

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Re: Alright so... Day two... SOB this isn't easy.
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2012, 06:56:00 AM »
Great advice here Wake. Be thankful she's just a fiance at this point... Check out
and ask her to take a look. A relationship based on honesty and communication seems much more likely to succeed... Kinda the same thing that will help you succeed here. If she's not appreciative of those efforts real friggen soon, you're better off leaving her in your wake.

Offline Leahy16

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Re: Alright so... Day two... SOB this isn't easy.
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2012, 10:20:00 AM »
Give her some time to process it and to catch up. If she continues to hold a grudge more than a couple of weeks and isn't supportive, maybe she isn't quite right for you. Better to find out now then later. Keep working on your quit, don't let anything or anyone get in the way. Stay quit.
"A couple weeks"...are you absolutely fucking crazy???

Give her a day. If she holds on to crap longer than that then she's got issues, is playing games, and will do so the entire time you are married. Way too many men put up with shit behavior from their girlfriends/fiancees and then think that might change after you get married. Wrong! It will get worse. It's a power trip. That behavior is not acceptable in an equal partnership.

Quit this shit for you and you ONLY. If you quit for her then you'll be right back on the dip after you come to your senses and send her packing...just sayin'
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Re: Alright so... Day two... SOB this isn't easy.
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2012, 10:16:00 AM »
So she's never used nicotine or any drugs and has no idea what you are battling...

You've lied to her and deceived her...

...and she's pissed.

Sounds pretty normal to me!

You need to get over yourself - quit feeling sorry for yourself - oh I'm a poor addict and need lots of support. That is the attitude of a failure. Get fired up. Focus your quit on hating the fucking tobacco companies. And buy your lady some flowers and tell her you're sorry for being a whiney douche. Get your mind right and beat this beast!

...and yes my bride of 25 years was absolutely no help in my quit.

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Re: Alright so... Day two... SOB this isn't easy.
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2012, 09:56:00 AM »
Give her some time to process it and to catch up. If she continues to hold a grudge more than a couple of weeks and isn't supportive, maybe she isn't quite right for you. Better to find out now then later. Keep working on your quit, don't let anything or anyone get in the way. Stay quit.
Enough is enough. Time to take control back from the nic bitch. My HOF speechGR8WHITEBUFFALO

Offline ilwakeboarder87

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Re: Alright so... Day two... SOB this isn't easy.
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2012, 09:09:00 AM »
Making sucking thumb comments will get you.... 'Remshot'

Thanks for the support though all.

It looks like I’ll need you all more than I thought. Last night I decided to tell my fiancé about my quitting. She already had a suspicion that I was dipping after quitting smoking but I would hide it and do it at times when she was not around. So she really didn’t have the best idea of what was going on. I can’t blame her for being upset but at the same time; isn’t the role of your spouse to be someone to uplift you when you’re down and walk through this life TOGETHER and not separate but in the same house?

With the preface that I need support and love right now through this processÂ… made me think itÂ’d be a little different instead of sleeping on the couch. She went off right away about how now she cannot trust me and how could I do this to her and bla bla bla. I told her why IÂ’m quitting, told her the story thatÂ’s posted on this board (About the dad that passed away at like 43 with 4 kids in the house.) I figured it was another took to help, but can say nowÂ… it didnÂ’t make quitting any easier. I just wanted to go grab a can from the store and call it a day. (Did not though and posted roll)

Have you all experienced a spouse that instead of supporting and being encouraging, decides to just look at themselves and not the struggle that you’re going through? Did you find the support of what you needed “here” instead of at home?

(Btw: She has never smoked, dipped, used ANY drug or really touched anything. So she doesnÂ’t understand an addiction)

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Re: Alright so... Day two... SOB this isn't easy.
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2012, 05:15:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
You could always start sucking your thumb again!
Sorry I couldn't resist! For me the oral fixation was harder than the addiction I think. After nearly 40 yrs of having a mouth of dirt it was just uncomfortable not to have something in there. I used fake dip constantly for 2 months and then without even recognizing what happened I quit using it. I still keep it available and use it occasionally. Pm me. For support or questions
How's your yoga? Sorry, even worse than the sucking your thumb comment. It's gonna be hell for a little while son. You gotta man up and hate the fact you poisoned yourself this long. You need to take ownership of your quit and guard it like a rottweiler in front of a warehouse. Get mad, embrace these days and don't ever let them become a distant memory. You want to do this once and do it right THIS time.


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Re: Alright so... Day two... SOB this isn't easy.
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2012, 01:41:00 AM »
You could always start sucking your thumb again!
Sorry I couldn't resist! For me the oral fixation was harder than the addiction I think. After nearly 40 yrs of having a mouth of dirt it was just uncomfortable not to have something in there. I used fake dip constantly for 2 months and then without even recognizing what happened I quit using it. I still keep it available and use it occasionally. Pm me. For support or questions
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
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Offline copingwithoutcopen

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Re: Alright so... Day two... SOB this isn't easy.
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2012, 06:52:00 PM »
Check your inbox brotha. If it were easy anyone could do it. Please don't expect to poison yourself for years and think you can skate through your quit. The first few days are the worse but it does get easier. Every day you quit, you win. Your success is up to you. Give me or any other one of these bad ass quitters a call if there is anything you need.

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Re: Alright so... Day two... SOB this isn't easy.
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2012, 04:47:00 PM »
Quote from: ilwakeboarder87
Thank you, i'm seriously needing and wanting to quit this time.

What do you mean by posting roll?
Click on the Welcome Center link above and read what roll call is and why we do it. Then post yourself...Day 2.

Congrats on a great choice. If you can't figure it out, just post here that you need help and a mod will be in touch.

Stay strong, brother!

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Re: Alright so... Day two... SOB this isn't easy.
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2012, 04:27:00 PM »
Thank you, i'm seriously needing and wanting to quit this time.

What do you mean by posting roll?

Offline jakeryan2410

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Re: Alright so... Day two... SOB this isn't easy.
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2012, 03:59:00 PM »
good luck brother. Its tough. I'm a week in. It was ALOT harder for me to quit dip than smokes. I was extremely frustrated, and had alot of withdrawal effects like insomnia.

But I am exactly 7 days in and I'm feeling better. I would recommend using your nervous energy to figure out a new way to satisfy that oral fixation without harming your body or introducing another addictive element to your life.

Possibly hard candy? Maybe drink water? whatever you do, dont go for that dip. The first 2-5 days were the hardest for me. By day 3 I was at my most frustrated level, but it did ease up. I am a relatively NEW quitter, but after 1 week, I can tell you its best to keep busy, and drink alot of water.

Post roll on this site too!

Offline ilwakeboarder87

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Alright so... Day two... SOB this isn't easy.
« on: August 27, 2012, 03:33:00 PM »
So I decided to no longer buy any dip and when I was out then it was time to quit. Smoked for about 3 years and as a way to quit smoking I started dipping. (Yeah genius there... 'bang head' )

So now after about a year and a half of dipping... it's time to quit.

It has been since this Saturday the 25th around 2pm that i've had anything to dip. So i'm now just past two days and wow... this seems like it's going to be a whole lot harder then I expected. My mind is going crazy, I found an old can that was completely empty and started to try and get ANYTHING I could out of it. That kind of woke up me even more that I have a serious problem but still does not make this easier. I was a ninja dipper, trying not to let anyone know what I was doing. Even would try to hide it from my fiance. She found out multiple times and I would tell her that I quit. (Which I really didn't... had the intention to but not the follow though)

On the way home from lunch today at work, I stopped by a gas station. Just like I would do everyday. But sat there for a minute and just said no. I want victory over an addition that has run me and my habits for toooooo long.

I'm asking for some help and don't know what you can give me except... You can do it.

Little background to why this may be hard for me.
Number 1: Everyone can attest to the addictive nature of Nicotine.
Number 2: I have an oral fixation thing. I can explain it this way... I sucked my thumb until I was in middle school and almost a freshmen in high school. (Wow, what a nerd... who does that?) Yeah well that was me. So this is a battle that I know is going to be a tough one but am asking for any type of help possible.

I've tried to quit before and used the beef jerky grounded up stuff and it helped but not completely. So then I went to sunflower seeds.... WAY to much salt and my mouth was getting sore from it. Gum... well... my jaw hurts.

So thank you for the forum, i'm happy to be posting here on my road to being free. Just could use some help along the way.