Hey, Just wanted to introduce myself, from the Philly metro area. Its been about 28 hours since I had a dip in my mouth. I have been weening myself down the last few weeks. Shorter length of time, smaller pinches. Until yesterday I could not take it anymore. I sit her with a mouth full of sunflower seeds drinking a coffee to combat the nicotine leaving my system and my ass so constipated I might need an enema to shit.
My last serious quit was a little over 10 years ago, I made it 6 fucking months and then just picked up where I left off. I have been going at for 19 years now. I wish I could go back to when I was 14 and made that decision and never put that pinch in my mouth. But we know we can only move forward and not backwards, Cant change the past, you know all those euphemisms, cop-outs whatever you want to fucking call it.
It became that I only did it by myself, when no one is around cause I was and am embarrassed. Probably the way mostly everyone feel on this forum. I am def craving it right now, but I feel good, I feel like I got some control back and have a bit more energy or a high from getting my life back, or maybe its the nicotine withdrawal playing mind tricks on me. Here is too One Day at a Time!