38 years. Not a day longer though. You're ready. You committed, no looking back. Daily post early when you get up to promise to quit that day only. Tomorrow is another day. I know you'll stay quit daily because gentlemen always keep their word. So it seems all we have to conquer is getting you to post roll. Be sure to create accountability by getting to know your quit bros and sis. Trade cell digits. Text each other. Come in here and rage, vent. We're ready for you to be quit.
I've thought about you the last few days. Maybe I should change my name to suthern_not_gntlman...
I don't know if you read my answers to the three questions, for why I caved. If you haven't, you can find it here:
My AnswersNothing excuses my actions. I've got to move forward from here.
As I sit here in bed, from pneumonia, I've had a whole lot of time to consider my quit and my cave. I've made some decisions.
I will no more idly pass through the halls of KTC. I will take my time and use all of the resources available to me. That includes this Intro.
I realize that I can write whatever I need to in this little blog (thanks Can_I_kick_it). I can express my frustrations and expound my delights. I can let each and everyone of my brothers here at KTC know how much their help has provided for me and how much I am willing to help others be provided.
This blog will be my journal. My journal for the next 331 days. I made it to 330 this last time, this time my goal is eternity!
Done4Me, please don't think too unkindly towards me, for not being the gentleman I should've been.
God bless...