Yesterday was rough. I've gotta change some routines.
About 4 days in is really rough. It does get better quickly so keep hanging tough and you will make it.
I quit with you.
Here's what you need to do brother. Get you a ticket to the Himalayan mountains. Make sure you pack some climbing gear and oxygen..
When you arrive at your destination look for mount Everest. Start climbing brother. Don,t forget the oxygen. I hear the air is quite thin.
When you get to the top, take a good look at the world without nicotine blurring your vision and desensitizing your emotions. Feel the oxygen your brain is now receiving because you aren't depriving it anymore due to a filthy disgusting addiction. Feel your blood pressure lowering because you aren't mixing in toxins and who knows what else.
I say it's worth it brother. We weren't meant to be lead around by a can of dirt. Freedom,, feel it ,tast it, smell it.
Now if mount everest is a little to far and high, maybe there is a roof around you can climb. In that case don't worry about the oxygen. Quit with you brother....