Hello Everyone,
My name is Max, and I'm quitting today. I've chewed the last 6? years. Throughout that time, I've "tried" to quit off and on. Only to go until the next few beers or whatever, and then realize I've got another can in my pocket. I make the decision to put a dip in. I've had enough, this shit has to stop.
I've never looked for support, always tried and failed. Tons of things make me want a dip, working extra hours, drinking beers, fishing, hunting, being with friends that chew, the list goes on and on. But I'm fed up with my lack of commitment to stopping.
So that brings me here, looking for support I guess. Just wanted state my position, and say hi.
I've got a semi-full can next to me and I plan on keeping it with me, to remind myself there will ALWAYS be the opportunity to dip. But I'm not going to. Fuck this habit.