Day 10 and it's going great. I remember this from when I stopped using nic last year. Once I got over The Suck, it was smooth sailing. I'm not sitting around obsessing over dip, romanticizing dip and feeling sad that I don't have a dip. If life just stays exactly as it is right now, I'm quit like fuck...
I caved when circumstances changed last time. So I need to keep cruising along with this site and keep building that network of accountability for when the circumstances change.
June: packing up the house and driving a u-haul from WA to AZ
July: the stress of unpacking into a new house, wife busy with work, me alone in the house
A trip to Flagstaff to see our high school/college friends, some of whom chew.
Family reunion in San Diego. The cousins tend to use tobacco when we get together.
So, my brothers and sisters in quit, lean on me now, because come summer, I'm gonna need to lean on you.