Hello all, My last dip was on Monday Feb 9th at 6:00am. I work straight midnights so its my usual last one of the day before bed. I found this site while searching for reviews on fake dip and have been reading stuff here for a couple weeks. I've been dipping for 23 years first Kodiak then Rooster then Grizzly all wintergreen. I got pretty sick last summer and was in the hospital for a while (not related to dip) and decided that if I could do something to avoid every having to be in a bed like that then I would and that's when I decided it was time to quit. I've been searching for the "right time" to start to quit and realized that the only "right time" is now. I got home from work on Monday and threw the can on the driveway and stomped it to pieces. So here I go...
Congradulation!....your on Day 3....by now most of the nicotine should be out of your body....now the hard part - dealing with the mental shit that goes with the Quit........just try to relax and stay busy....
Now that you're here make sure you get back in there and post roll today. You will be in May Quit groug...your at Day 3 since you quit on 09 Feb
Roll is the most important thing we do here. First thing in the morning promise yourself and everyone here that you will not use nicotine in any form for that day. Wake up the next day and repeat. Quit one day at a time, ODAAT.Other than that read everything you can here. When you're comfortable, interact with your group, get to know people.
First three days to a week is the worst. Drink lots of water. ODAAT, or for now one hour or one minute at a time. Just stay quit.
Also...this is a big one....cut down or cut out alcohol for a while....getting your buzz on will lower your defenses....many a good quitter caved after having a few drinks
PM me is you need anything