you have to take the first step. You are here because you really want to take that step. Every one of us has been in your shoes. Most of the men (and women) on this site are strong, confident, successful, self assured people. Except their lives were controlled by a powerful neurotoxin (which is deadly by the way on its own without the fact that tobacco will kill us) that is as addictive as heroin. Many of us were terrified at the thought of giving up our "best friend" (quote from my first intro post) but we jumped in and gave our word. Do you really think tomorrow will be easier? Yep, I did too. 365 days X 25 years I told myself... Tomorrow will be the day.
Carpe diem. My friend. Today is the day! Flush the shit and give your word that just for today you will not use nicotine! You are a bad ass - you can do anything for 24 hours, right?!? One more piece of advice (and this is just between you and me)... Don't shake Grady's hand. It has been in his balls for a while. Just saying.
It is time to be free.