Dude, you should post roll today if you are quit. Have you flushed all of the shit down the drain?
Woke up and posted today.. not sure what else you want from me.
A couple of things. If you're ready to quit this is the place to be. It's not all handed to you, but if you are willing to put in the effort you'll have hundreds if not thousands of people that will support you and help you get through the tough times.
1. Read everything you can on this site. You'll get a better idea of how things work and what to expect.
2. Get familiar with your quit group. This is the group that you will pledge to on a daily basis to not use nicotine
3. Get involved (trade digits) you're group can hold you accountable as you can hold them accountable.
All of the stuff listed above will help you build a strong quit. Throw out all your nicotine so it's not even an option. Whatever you can do to help bolster your quit is a good thing.