As I head into day 9, I have to ask myself "why did I quit?" Now before someone gets their panties in a wad and starts giving me shit, I'm not thinking about caving...just the opposite actually. The question should probably me more like "why did it take so long to come to the decision to quit?", but that would take way too long to ask.
I want a dip every moment of every day...I'm an addict. I didn't really understand that until just a couple days ago. Yeah, I know that I said it in my initial intro, but it really hit home the other day when I was waiting to get on a plane. I looked over at the drink machine and thought to myself "Hey, I need to get one of those orange juice bottles so I can have a spitter on the plane." Then I realized that no...I really DON'T need a spitter because I quit 5 days ago.
So...why did I quit? Having a dip in my mouth calmed me down. It helped me focus. It steadied my hands when I was woodworking. It gave me clarity when I taught my kids right from wrong. It made me the man that I was. So why did I quit?
Oh yeah, I OWNED me.
I don't know what the final trigger was to get me to quit; my wife asked me that question and I couldn't give her an answer either. What I do know is that one day I just thought about looking into an alternative to Copenhagen and I stumbled across KTC. I started reading about the struggles others were having with their dip addictions and I saw myself in their posts. People talking about staying up late to have a dip after their family went to bed...that's me. Hoping to get a little "me time" so I could have another dip...yep. Just about every description of hiding the addiction fit me "to a T" (whatever that means).
So I was thinking about my reasons for quitting this morning and I had a revelation that hit me like a brick. My three youngest kids LOVE to talk, especially to me...and usually when I'm trying to do something productive. When I had a dip in my mouth I had to hide it from them because I didn't want them to see their dad doing something dangerous. So in order to hide my addiction from them, I shunned them. Phrases like "Go away", "Go play in traffic", "Can't you see that I'm working here?" would fly from my mouth and they would wander off to go do something...without me.
What I realized this morning was that I was selfishly taking myself out of their lives because Copenhagen was more important to me than my kids were. How fucked up is that???
I owe everyone in my family a huge apology for my selfishness., 9 days into my quit, I finally know why I quit. It's because my addiction has been depriving my family of a dad. I never knew how much I was missing until I cleared my head of that shit, and now that I do know, I am even more motivated to stay quit and get engaged in their lives.
Thanks KTC, for the information, the support, and the friendships that I've developed to help get me headed in the right direction. Damned proud to be quit with you today!