Day 92
What we've got here is failure to communicate...
I'm sitting here in my office with my ADHD running full speed ahead, can't concentrate on anything for more than a couple minutes. So what do I do when that happens? I go and read the KTC forums, of course.
So I'm flipping through the pages (groups) and introductions and I start thinking about the new guys, and retreads, I've reached out to throughout my 92 days. Aglawyer, Gladitsnotheroine (misspelling and all), Justin, UIman, Colonel No Cope, Prada (she's still at sea, by the way), and quite a few others. I have to include Slattern and ShawnNJ as well as they're my June 22nd quit brothers. In considering each of these guys (and girl) who I'm still in contact with, I wonder why the others dropped off.
I know that there have been a few times when I've said something that probably pissed someone off. Other times I may have dropped the ball and not recognized that someone needed more from me. So what's the answer? Is there something more that I could have done to keep these guys engaged? Did I run someone off in the initial stage of their quit? Push them back into the can? I can only hope that's not the case. But then a thought hits me...who's responsibility is it?
Every morning for the past three months I have awakened bright and early and posted roll as soon as I could. Even the eight days I spent in the woods where I had to seek out a cell signal to post with my Blackberry, I posted early. Posting roll is MY responsibility and no one else's. Why should I be concerned if someone else posts roll, or doesn't? Posting is the reason I'm still quit after three months. But then I think that's the communication problem that the people who dropped off never really got. I'm here and they're not because I posted every day and they didn't. The question is, what can we do about it...should we do something about it?
I hear a lot of talk about accountability. I know a lot about accountability...or lack thereof. I stood out in the middle of Savannah Highway in Charleston on the night of June 18th, 2007 when they killed nine firefighters in the
Sofa Super Store Fire because they didn't have any accountability...five close friends of mine are in the ground now because of it. So how does that apply to KTC?
KTC is a brotherhood, very similar to others, yet very different. Each one of us has a very different background, but we all have something in common...we're all addicts. So with the KTC brotherhood we have this thing called accountability...just like the fire department should have had. They failed and good people died. If we fail...people can also die...maybe not as suddenly, but they're just as dead...and in my mind, a more painful death because it's long and drawn out. If we're not accountable to each other, we can die. It's that simple. If I don't post roll early each morning I expect one of my brothers or sisters to track me down and find out why. I will also be more accountable to my brothers by making sure they're posting early...something I haven't been as faithful in as I should be. I will do better...funerals for friends suck. 'archer'