Late to your party.
1. are you a man of your word? If yes, see 2.
2. do you accept that your are an addict and understand that addiction isn't about willpower, its about a plan?
3. If you admit that you can't quit on your own and you and only you want to quit but can't..go to 4.
4 Welcome, you are in the right frame of mind to become free from nicotine. see 5.
5. This is the site that will teach the humble addict how to quit. Read and post. Ask for help and you will get it. see 6
6. Post roll today. Keep your promise, get involved and embrace the suck. If you survive today, post when you wake and its today again. Yesterday is over and Tomorrow never comes. Just post when you wake "every today".
7. Welcome to hell bitch! Glad to have you on the side of freedom from nicotine.
Those ass faces at USTobacco. They finally are not allowing smoking in their offices. I heard it on the news. They don't want their employees health care problems but for the dollar, they ignore the 3 million people that die each year..(world wide from nicotine related problems) You my friend are now at war until you win or die. Seems dramatic...It IS! Quit and get your freedom back!!!!
Welcome, this is not an easy fight but I love my fight. So much like Shawshank Redemption. Crawl through the sewers...when you get out and are in the stream with rain pouring on your face!!!! It will be worth the shit you have to go through! Fight with us! Every today, suit up and fight!