I am putting down the can tomorrow. I've been dipping since i was 16 and i'm now 20. I've also been a "healthy kid" but lately have started to see that my health is deteriorating. My gums on each side have a visible indent from where i would put my dinger. Does this ever heal? I've started noticing sensitivity of teeth, bad breath, shortness of breath and started getting headaches without a dip. My gums bleed everytime i go to the dentist. Its gonna be tough to quit, dipping is a part of my life, i do it before the gym, packing lips with the bros and when i drink the crave is unreal. I use to save all my tins and spell my college letters on the wall with them. I use to constantly use to study with a lip in. How naive i was. I've lately realized however that this thing i loved and thought was awesome will lead to my death and decline.
I truly feel trapped by the can, every time i walk into a gas station its a struggle. My girlfriend hates it and my parents beg me to put down the can. My younger brother also dips and we feed our addiction together. The toughest thing will be seeing him dip and not having a dipshesh with him. I just know deep down that i need to put the can down and move on with life dip free. Its going to be the hardest thing i've ever done but i need to quit. For a long time i never admitted i was addicted and ironically during this time i would go a couple days without dipping but once i realized i was trapped it almost made it harder. The stress would set in and then make me dip. I'm gunna take it one day at a time and tommorow is day one. I've browsed this forum before and i hope it will help me quit through stories of others success.
Any advice is very welcome! I really hope one day my picture is on this site with the amount of years i've been without dip. I don't want to be trapped anymore, i don't want to be petrified of the dentist. I want to have the chains of grizzly off of my ankles. I know its time to quit.