Welcome Mitch! I can only assume we have some similar stories. I was a full-blown Copenhagen addict for nearly four decades, despite a 15-month stoppage about 22-23 years ago. I know this place can get you quit and keep you that way. All it takes is the integrity to maintain a 24-hour promise to not use nicotine today. Tomorrow you repeat the process. Simple....but far from easy.
There's a saying around here reminding quitters to "Never forget Day one. The day you forget day one, you lose". Simply put, long after the nicotine is flushed from your system, you will be tempted. It takes months, even years, for your brain to rewire itself, shutting down all those dopamine receptors it built when you were ingesting a steady drip of that poison. During that time, the siren call from the "nic bitch" will be continually trying to get you to "just have one". Don't fall for the lie. The longer you're quit, the less that call will be.... Stay the course.
Proud to be quit with you today!