I use an HTC (which uses the andrioid os) so things should work the same as far as copy and pasting text.
I browsed to the site using the phone web browser and went into the
test threadIt works just like on the PC. Hit quote on the most recent roll post. Then scroll down to the place where the text is.
I just put my finger in the box and hold it until the magnifier comes up. When I release my finger a dialog box pops up with several options: select word, select all. You want to select all. It should then pop up another dialog box with cut or copy. You want to cut.
Then scroll up to the blank box, put your finger and hold it and it should pop up a dialog to allow you to paste.
Once that's done, edit your name - day - message in and scroll down and hit add reply.
I would take screen shots, but apparently I can't do that easily on my phone.