Half the folks I know either chew or smoke (I'm mostly a chewer, but a cig would break me down in a moment of weakness if I let it).
That said, what they do has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. You make your own choices. I mean, these guys don't gang up on you, hold you down and jam dip in your face, right?
I think your plan can help you because those people are all triggers for you. Any thing you can do to reduce that early on is good. However, don't let being around them be the excuse you need to cave. You have to get your mind right and learn how not to be affected by their bad CHOICES.
I went hiking with one of my good friends yesterday. He would gladly have given me a chew. He supports my quiting, but my friends and I also respect one another's right to make their own mistakes, so all I would have had to do was ask and I would have been back on the dip train.
I didn't even consider it because A) I prepared myself mentally to be around others who chew and/or smoke. My mind is made up, and there's just no reason to be tempted by what someone else does. What am I five years old?
And B) I posted roll. I promised all my bros here I wouldn't do it. It's that simple if your mind is right.
I'm not belittling your quit. This shit is really, really hard to quit, but you can do, and I'm really glad you are doing it.
Learn to post roll, believe in it and do it every day. This is a MUST if you want this to work. Promise me you won't do nicotine today and don't fuckin let me down. I promise I won't let you down. This part is very important. Just follow the instructions, and if it comes up wrong one of us will help you fix it.
Awesome decision and welcome to the rest of your (longer, healthier, higher quality) life.