I agree with the other events being big triggers too. I drank on my second day, to prove to myself that I could have alcohol without needing shit tucked in my lip and I did it. I have to say, the stronger trigger for me, was gasing up my car, unconciously looking towards the shop window, and seeing that huge basket filled with cans of cope and grizzly. Took alot to -not- walk in there and buy one. More so then the urge while drinking to run out my apt and take a jog to the nearest place that sold cope. I also think something that helps, is taking a step back, looking at the situation, and seeing that there might be some slight humor in that little voice-"I'm comfortable in my warm apt..and Im seriously going to go jog outside in 12 degree weather to get a can filled with stinky shit to put in my mouth? For a slight buzz that will end in 5 seconds and then force me to redo my 72 hour detox? fuck that". Helped me anyways.
Maybe its different for me, but I'm trying to just confront my triggers head on rather then avoid them. I'm not going to not buy gas, not eat, not drink, not drive, not take a shit (lol), just because I took dips during those activities. I'm only on day 4 so maybe it gets worse? but I've just been telling myself NO when I get the crave to buy a can.
And quitting for people other then yourself doesnt seem to work. In the past, I tried quitting for my parents, even for my grandpa who has lung cancer from smoking, couldn't do it until I had that moment of realization that it was time to do it for myself.