Author Topic: Day 3  (Read 5247 times)

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Offline brianl

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #37 on: January 21, 2011, 06:40:00 AM »
Quote from: J.crow37
Fuck Day one, two, three, four, and five. and ahead of time fuck day six. Quitting is fucking misserable, I hate it, its dumb. Fuck having to go get gas, obviously I wind up with the pump that puts my truck and headlights shining directly on that wall of orgasmic death. Fuck going to the Post Office and seeing not one but TWO random people dipping, when i swear i can count the people ive seen around this town that I didnt know dipped on one hand. Fuck Seeing a truck bed filled to the brim with bottle water....that would have been a goldmind of free spitoons in my eyes a week ago. 'bang head' Today was an absolute slut! UNTIL I got the best idea in the world. I dug through the passanger floor and bed of my truck (which gets cleaned about once a month) in total I found 8 empty tins. and for some reason there were actually 3 that had stuff in them, but i didnt even give them they courtesy of opening to see how much. so anyways. Took those eleven fuckers. Lined em up out back. and brought out the .45 'Remshot' it is unreal at how good that felt. Dipping Never ever compared to the feeling i got watching those tiny little plastic fuckers explode. If any of you have the legal ability to do that. I highly recomend it
guns rule!

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #36 on: January 20, 2011, 05:58:00 PM »
Fuck Day one, two, three, four, and five. and ahead of time fuck day six. Quitting is fucking misserable, I hate it, its dumb. Fuck having to go get gas, obviously I wind up with the pump that puts my truck and headlights shining directly on that wall of orgasmic death. Fuck going to the Post Office and seeing not one but TWO random people dipping, when i swear i can count the people ive seen around this town that I didnt know dipped on one hand. Fuck Seeing a truck bed filled to the brim with bottle water....that would have been a goldmind of free spitoons in my eyes a week ago. 'bang head' Today was an absolute slut! UNTIL I got the best idea in the world. I dug through the passanger floor and bed of my truck (which gets cleaned about once a month) in total I found 8 empty tins. and for some reason there were actually 3 that had stuff in them, but i didnt even give them they courtesy of opening to see how much. so anyways. Took those eleven fuckers. Lined em up out back. and brought out the .45 'Remshot' it is unreal at how good that felt. Dipping Never ever compared to the feeling i got watching those tiny little plastic fuckers explode. If any of you have the legal ability to do that. I highly recomend it

Offline J.crow37

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #35 on: January 19, 2011, 11:47:00 PM »
Anyone who is even flirting the line between quittin or not, or if you just need help getting through the day. Google this. "Rick Bender" you think he ever thought hed get cancer, not a chance. Dont be that guy. Be "A man" and quit every day

Offline J.crow37

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #34 on: January 19, 2011, 10:33:00 PM »
Quote from: tony
Quote from: shortround
Quote from: J.crow37
   And for anyone whos ever plowed im sure you know its boring as fuck so all Id do is dip my face off
I got myself some of the fake stuff. I have x3 11 hour shifts coming up. I basically just drive a security patrol car around for 11 hours all night long at weird ass hours and its really boring so I used to have a dip in about that entire time. Sure that'll be a trigger. So I'll be bringing some of the good ol' smokey mountain stuff with me.
I got faith that we'll both be able to hang tough brother

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #33 on: January 19, 2011, 10:07:00 PM »
Quote from: shortround
Quote from: J.crow37
  And for anyone whos ever plowed im sure you know its boring as fuck so all Id do is dip my face off
I got myself some of the fake stuff. I have x3 11 hour shifts coming up. I basically just drive a security patrol car around for 11 hours all night long at weird ass hours and its really boring so I used to have a dip in about that entire time. Sure that'll be a trigger. So I'll be bringing some of the good ol' smokey mountain stuff with me.
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Re: Day 3
« Reply #32 on: January 19, 2011, 09:04:00 PM »
Quote from: J.crow37
Quote from: shortround
Quote from: J.crow37
yeah the drinking didnt effect anything, I didnt even think about it, well i dont really remember but anyways I didnt dip haha my hardest test will come Friday.  Decent snow storm means couped up in my truck plowing for hours. And for anyone whos ever plowed im sure you know its boring as fuck so all Id do is dip my face off
Driving is a huge trigger for me. As soon as I get behind the wheel I get the urge. So now I throw a toothpick in as soon as I sit down.

All my triggers get smashed right away with a toothpick. It's been working pretty well so far. Shit, I'm so confident about it I think I'll just fucking quit again tomorrow too! You should quit with me.
Gum is my go to. Non nicotine of course. But yeah fuck it I got nothing going on tomorow Im down to quit again with ya
Awesome, sounds like a plan J. 'boob'
Freedom - 8 January 2011
HOF Date - 17 April 2011, 2nd Floor - 26 July 2011, 3rd Floor - 3 November 2011, 4th Floor - 11 February 2012

How bad do you want to quit? - posted by NOLAQ
"I'm an F-18 nic bitch, and I'll destroy you in the air." - The Sheen

"The truth, when you finally chase it down, is almost always far worse than your darkest visions and fears." - Hunter S. Thompson

Offline J.crow37

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #31 on: January 19, 2011, 09:00:00 PM »
Quote from: shortround
Quote from: J.crow37
yeah the drinking didnt effect anything, I didnt even think about it, well i dont really remember but anyways I didnt dip haha my hardest test will come Friday.  Decent snow storm means couped up in my truck plowing for hours. And for anyone whos ever plowed im sure you know its boring as fuck so all Id do is dip my face off
Driving is a huge trigger for me. As soon as I get behind the wheel I get the urge. So now I throw a toothpick in as soon as I sit down.

All my triggers get smashed right away with a toothpick. It's been working pretty well so far. Shit, I'm so confident about it I think I'll just fucking quit again tomorrow too! You should quit with me.
Gum is my go to. Non nicotine of course. But yeah fuck it I got nothing going on tomorow Im down to quit again with ya

Offline shortround

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #30 on: January 19, 2011, 08:54:00 PM »
Quote from: J.crow37
yeah the drinking didnt effect anything, I didnt even think about it, well i dont really remember but anyways I didnt dip haha my hardest test will come Friday. Decent snow storm means couped up in my truck plowing for hours. And for anyone whos ever plowed im sure you know its boring as fuck so all Id do is dip my face off
Driving is a huge trigger for me. As soon as I get behind the wheel I get the urge. So now I throw a toothpick in as soon as I sit down.

All my triggers get smashed right away with a toothpick. It's been working pretty well so far. Shit, I'm so confident about it I think I'll just fucking quit again tomorrow too! You should quit with me.
Freedom - 8 January 2011
HOF Date - 17 April 2011, 2nd Floor - 26 July 2011, 3rd Floor - 3 November 2011, 4th Floor - 11 February 2012

How bad do you want to quit? - posted by NOLAQ
"I'm an F-18 nic bitch, and I'll destroy you in the air." - The Sheen

"The truth, when you finally chase it down, is almost always far worse than your darkest visions and fears." - Hunter S. Thompson

Offline J.crow37

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #29 on: January 19, 2011, 08:45:00 PM »
yeah the drinking didnt effect anything, I didnt even think about it, well i dont really remember but anyways I didnt dip haha my hardest test will come Friday. Decent snow storm means couped up in my truck plowing for hours. And for anyone whos ever plowed im sure you know its boring as fuck so all Id do is dip my face off

Offline tony

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #28 on: January 19, 2011, 06:03:00 PM »
I agree with the other events being big triggers too. I drank on my second day, to prove to myself that I could have alcohol without needing shit tucked in my lip and I did it. I have to say, the stronger trigger for me, was gasing up my car, unconciously looking towards the shop window, and seeing that huge basket filled with cans of cope and grizzly. Took alot to -not- walk in there and buy one. More so then the urge while drinking to run out my apt and take a jog to the nearest place that sold cope. I also think something that helps, is taking a step back, looking at the situation, and seeing that there might be some slight humor in that little voice-"I'm comfortable in my warm apt..and Im seriously going to go jog outside in 12 degree weather to get a can filled with stinky shit to put in my mouth? For a slight buzz that will end in 5 seconds and then force me to redo my 72 hour detox? fuck that". Helped me anyways.

Maybe its different for me, but I'm trying to just confront my triggers head on rather then avoid them. I'm not going to not buy gas, not eat, not drink, not drive, not take a shit (lol), just because I took dips during those activities. I'm only on day 4 so maybe it gets worse? but I've just been telling myself NO when I get the crave to buy a can.

And quitting for people other then yourself doesnt seem to work. In the past, I tried quitting for my parents, even for my grandpa who has lung cancer from smoking, couldn't do it until I had that moment of realization that it was time to do it for myself.
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Re: Day 3
« Reply #27 on: January 19, 2011, 02:55:00 PM »
In the grand scheme of things, everyday is really everybodys Day 1. even if your on day 74837. if you can't quit for that day, your a dipper.

Offline andrew

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #26 on: January 19, 2011, 11:48:00 AM »
I tried to quit a few years ago for a "chick I loved" as well. It didn't work. After a while I told myself she'd still love me if I continued and I went right back to the dip. She did still love me. She wouldn't be a good "chick to love" if she didn't still love me, but that didn't mean that I needed to stay quit. You need to quit for yourself. You need to tell yourself that it's just for you that you're quitting for. If you try to make the quit for someone else you will just resent that person when the shit gets really really bad (and it will), and you'll start to rationalize that you can always go back to the dip and the girl will stick with you.

Don't do that. There are plenty of guys here that tried that and failed. Own your quit, quit for yourself, keep yourself accountable with the role call here, and stay quit.
QUIT 01/03/11
HOF 04/12/11


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Re: Day 3
« Reply #25 on: January 19, 2011, 10:42:00 AM »
Quote from: J.crow37
Obviously we are all here for the same Health related reasons.  But Im personally on my day 3 and have already found some great pieces of help (both here and through short term experience) that have made these three days not so terrible.  So I wast just wondering when all you have that moment when you're in a trigger setting and want so bad to stuff your face full of death.  Whats your go to? What do all you use as your relaxer thought to get back into perspective? Me personally is this one girl I had always liked finally got the nuts to talk to her weve gone out a few times. and I think shes great, she never even minded the dipping, but i always just think to myself what a loser I was if I pussied out and went back to the can.
I have to remind myself, sometimes out loud, that "I'm not a dipper anymore". That helps, just to re-focus my mind. When the craves are really bad, I think back to what my life was like before my quit: the lies, the sneaking around just to get a dip (my family didn't know), the many times I pulled away from those I love to be alone with my nicotine mistress. I remember how I hated being that man. Then I remember how proud I am of my quit. How I have busted my ass and fought through the pain for this freedom. Then it comes down to a question: what do I choose? Freedom or slavery to nicotine, life or death.

Then, of course, I'm eating seeds like I'm getting paid for it!

I am 53 days clean. Winning day by day.

Proud to be quit with you!
"I like a man who grins when he fights." - Winston Churchill

Day 1: 11-28-10
HOF : 03-07-11

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #24 on: January 19, 2011, 10:00:00 AM »
Quote from: J.crow37
You're wrong. I told myslef I will never cave on this journey. was it stronger urges I have felt tonight yes. but you hafta look on your reason for being here boys! I wont ever cave, because I came here with myself a girl in mind and obviously you boys! Id never roll call this morning and let you down! and guess what im gunna roll call tomorow too! im just letting you know from experience that alcohol will make it harder, but for you boys i was willing to stay strong!! April BAMF
Quit for yourself, man; you're worth it. And as you succeed then you'll be better for everyone else around you.

Offline brianl

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #23 on: January 19, 2011, 09:41:00 AM »
Quote from: J.crow37
Just so you know... I was merely informing you boys being drunk is a quit killer! it makes urges ten times worse! i have 2 strong reasons tho so ill nevevr fail! #1 my great uncle died of throat cancer and was only 33. #2 theres theres chick i love who would never forgive me if i stepped back! dont worry im on roll call forver boyss!! eclipse gum is a great replacement!!! chew that shit every day!
Those are 2 very good reasons. But I don't see the most important reason, Quitting for yourself. You have to want to do this. Not for your Uncle, not for your girl.
I agree that drinking can be a big trigger. But so can something as simple as stopping for gas.
It's good that your confident but remember that you are an addict. You can never have "just one". You must always be on guard.