I thank you guys that have extended welcomes and well wishes. Thanks to Evil Won, whom I have not met but he seems like a fine fella with a heck of a butt, all my past bs is now lumped back into 'Daily affirmations--affirmed daily'.
Sooooooo.....might as well do all we can to live up to the title, ay?
There have been a few of you to welcome me back congratulating me for being close to the 12th floor (less than 30 days to be close). I thank you guys for that. HOWEVER, as all of us know, it doesn't matter if it is 12 days, 1200 days or 12000 days, it is ALWAYS one day at a time. And every day can be as easy or as hard as we make it.
One of the reasons I was such a prick on here the past few years...besides the fact I'm basically, well, you know, a prick...is that the whole business of quitting can bring out the best, and the worst, in any of us. I don't dislike anyone on here because, but with a couple of exceptions, I've never met anyone on here.
I never meant to cause loot or chewie or anyone any problems. I did not deal well with the new found anger that goes with quitting, even after a couple of years off the stuff.
All of that said, to those of you who are newer, remember...it is what you make it. Every day brings new challenges. You can react just as well...or just as poorly...as any vet. But you gotta take responsibility. Above all else, don't cave. Ever. I'd like to think that any person I've ever pissed off on here would have rather been pissed off by my antics than see me cave. So, do what you gotta do. But do not cave.
Thank you for your attention to your daily affirmation.