Hey, first post here. My quit starts tomorrow (I had one this morning, and it would be disingenuous to start today). I am dreading this, but reading this forum for the past few days has made me want to be a part of this community. I am 24, and I live in Florida. I started like a lot of people do; shitty peer pressure from my teammates in high school (football). Here I am 6 years later with a nasty addiction. I will beat it.
I was wondering whether anyone on here went to law school/quit while in law school. I am starting my second year tomorrow, so it is a good time to start fresh, and dip free. My consumption has skyrocketed since I started school, and I will go through 1-2 tins a day while I am studying. It is a bitch, and I have to stop. So, if anyone had a similar experience quitting while in law school could you send me a PM or post here with some advice? I truly appreciate it. I look forward to joining everyone in November 2011 tomorrow morning.
(By the way.. any Buffalo Bills fans here??)