Author Topic: I'm Back. I'm Dumb.  (Read 128591 times)

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Offline wastepanel

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #121 on: April 28, 2012, 03:56:00 PM »
Take what you need.

Leave the rest.

If you give 100% in your quit, I'll help you protect it. If you give any less, good luck.

We are brothers, and we need to stand beside each other. Push hard, but don't push too hard. Show some damn feelings. It ain't going to hurt ya.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline pacertom

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #120 on: April 24, 2012, 12:10:00 PM »
Quote from: Aglawyer
Quote from: Luby
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: rgross298
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: wastepanel
Day 300

The power of this site is held in its brotherhood.  Like many fraternal organizations before it, the KTC has secrets that are revealed only with understanding.  The words that once were empty to us (and still empty to others) now have meaning.  They have memories.

When we first quit, we take because we need it.  We devour the information contained on the site.  This site becomes our first and our last line of defense.  We are fed these words, and at first with unbelieving eyes, complete our days.  As we get further into our quits, our blind faith becomes a stark reality.  We know that this process works.

When we are vets, we spread this reality to the wide eyed and scared freshly quit.  We want them to see, but we can't make them.  They will have to see it for themselves.  We build quitters up with our experiences, and help them through theirs.  We see the wide eyed and scared quitters become more confident in their quits, and we are filled with pride. 

This pride swells when I see those I helped help others.  I see that they "get it" and share the same hatred as I do for the nicotine whore.  I know that even though I have not specifically reached out to a quitter, somebody I have worked with has.  I have thousands of texts to quitters in my 300 days here, and I know that indirectly, I am responsible for hundreds more.

I could have sat back, posted roll, and walked away everyday for the last 300.  But I wouldn't have good friends like Eaf, Moe, CNC, Luby, and the other Basterds from my group.  Losing brothers wouldn't effect me.  I wouldn't have reached out or spent the time with some great badass groups that followed me.  I wouldn't be part of the brotherhood.  I would not have given it my all.  I would not have protected my quit.

I'd like to thank every vet, mod, and admin on this site.  When I came here 300 days ago, you beat me to a pulp.  I was pathetic.  I needed it.  I thought I knew about quitting, and I was wrong.  I didn't think you knew anything about long term quitting.  I figured out later there was no long term quitting.  There's only today.  Keep posting.  I don't want to catch up to you.
I quit with you today Sir.

Congrats on the 300.
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'

Congrats on 300!!!!

Once again great words that many need to read!!
Waste, you're a cool-ass mofo. Thanks for all of the help and encouragement, you've really changed some lives, man. Keep it rolling and stay strong. I quit with you today.
Well Done WP!!!
Waste, your avatar still scares the living shit out of me. However, in my short time here, I know under that avatar, with the no-nonsense straight talk you offer, is a man who cares about others. If we are on the same side, I don't tremble but have more confidence that we will win this.

Congrats on milestone 300. That is pretty bad-ass. Your reputation to me is that of a bad-ass so I wouldn't expect anything less.

I am conflicted, I wish I never would have touched the stuff but in my healing, I never would have been able to battle with you guys. So I am no longer sad that I am an addict. I am grateful to go to battle every day with the likes of you on this site.

Happy 300. Never let me pass you.
So goddamn proud to be a basterd with you waste. I love KTC for moments like this, and for about a million other reasons. But this is damn special for me, I've made a friend for life and I am proud to quit every day with my friend "waste"
Nicely done!
Good stuff right there bud...

Offline AgLawyer

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #119 on: April 24, 2012, 11:20:00 AM »
Quote from: Luby
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: rgross298
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: wastepanel
Day 300

The power of this site is held in its brotherhood.  Like many fraternal organizations before it, the KTC has secrets that are revealed only with understanding.  The words that once were empty to us (and still empty to others) now have meaning.  They have memories.

When we first quit, we take because we need it.  We devour the information contained on the site.  This site becomes our first and our last line of defense.  We are fed these words, and at first with unbelieving eyes, complete our days.  As we get further into our quits, our blind faith becomes a stark reality.  We know that this process works.

When we are vets, we spread this reality to the wide eyed and scared freshly quit.  We want them to see, but we can't make them.  They will have to see it for themselves.  We build quitters up with our experiences, and help them through theirs.  We see the wide eyed and scared quitters become more confident in their quits, and we are filled with pride. 

This pride swells when I see those I helped help others.  I see that they "get it" and share the same hatred as I do for the nicotine whore.  I know that even though I have not specifically reached out to a quitter, somebody I have worked with has.  I have thousands of texts to quitters in my 300 days here, and I know that indirectly, I am responsible for hundreds more.

I could have sat back, posted roll, and walked away everyday for the last 300.  But I wouldn't have good friends like Eaf, Moe, CNC, Luby, and the other Basterds from my group.  Losing brothers wouldn't effect me.  I wouldn't have reached out or spent the time with some great badass groups that followed me.  I wouldn't be part of the brotherhood.  I would not have given it my all.  I would not have protected my quit.

I'd like to thank every vet, mod, and admin on this site.  When I came here 300 days ago, you beat me to a pulp.  I was pathetic.  I needed it.  I thought I knew about quitting, and I was wrong.  I didn't think you knew anything about long term quitting.  I figured out later there was no long term quitting.  There's only today.  Keep posting.  I don't want to catch up to you.
I quit with you today Sir.

Congrats on the 300.
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'

Congrats on 300!!!!

Once again great words that many need to read!!
Waste, you're a cool-ass mofo. Thanks for all of the help and encouragement, you've really changed some lives, man. Keep it rolling and stay strong. I quit with you today.
Well Done WP!!!
Waste, your avatar still scares the living shit out of me. However, in my short time here, I know under that avatar, with the no-nonsense straight talk you offer, is a man who cares about others. If we are on the same side, I don't tremble but have more confidence that we will win this.

Congrats on milestone 300. That is pretty bad-ass. Your reputation to me is that of a bad-ass so I wouldn't expect anything less.

I am conflicted, I wish I never would have touched the stuff but in my healing, I never would have been able to battle with you guys. So I am no longer sad that I am an addict. I am grateful to go to battle every day with the likes of you on this site.

Happy 300. Never let me pass you.
So goddamn proud to be a basterd with you waste. I love KTC for moments like this, and for about a million other reasons. But this is damn special for me, I've made a friend for life and I am proud to quit every day with my friend "waste"
Nicely done!

Offline luby

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #118 on: April 24, 2012, 01:39:00 AM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: rgross298
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: wastepanel
Day 300

The power of this site is held in its brotherhood.  Like many fraternal organizations before it, the KTC has secrets that are revealed only with understanding.  The words that once were empty to us (and still empty to others) now have meaning.  They have memories.

When we first quit, we take because we need it.  We devour the information contained on the site.  This site becomes our first and our last line of defense.  We are fed these words, and at first with unbelieving eyes, complete our days.  As we get further into our quits, our blind faith becomes a stark reality.  We know that this process works.

When we are vets, we spread this reality to the wide eyed and scared freshly quit.  We want them to see, but we can't make them.  They will have to see it for themselves.  We build quitters up with our experiences, and help them through theirs.  We see the wide eyed and scared quitters become more confident in their quits, and we are filled with pride. 

This pride swells when I see those I helped help others.  I see that they "get it" and share the same hatred as I do for the nicotine whore.  I know that even though I have not specifically reached out to a quitter, somebody I have worked with has.  I have thousands of texts to quitters in my 300 days here, and I know that indirectly, I am responsible for hundreds more.

I could have sat back, posted roll, and walked away everyday for the last 300.  But I wouldn't have good friends like Eaf, Moe, CNC, Luby, and the other Basterds from my group.  Losing brothers wouldn't effect me.  I wouldn't have reached out or spent the time with some great badass groups that followed me.  I wouldn't be part of the brotherhood.  I would not have given it my all.  I would not have protected my quit.

I'd like to thank every vet, mod, and admin on this site.  When I came here 300 days ago, you beat me to a pulp.  I was pathetic.  I needed it.  I thought I knew about quitting, and I was wrong.  I didn't think you knew anything about long term quitting.  I figured out later there was no long term quitting.  There's only today.  Keep posting.  I don't want to catch up to you.
I quit with you today Sir.

Congrats on the 300.
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'

Congrats on 300!!!!

Once again great words that many need to read!!
Waste, you're a cool-ass mofo. Thanks for all of the help and encouragement, you've really changed some lives, man. Keep it rolling and stay strong. I quit with you today.
Well Done WP!!!
Waste, your avatar still scares the living shit out of me. However, in my short time here, I know under that avatar, with the no-nonsense straight talk you offer, is a man who cares about others. If we are on the same side, I don't tremble but have more confidence that we will win this.

Congrats on milestone 300. That is pretty bad-ass. Your reputation to me is that of a bad-ass so I wouldn't expect anything less.

I am conflicted, I wish I never would have touched the stuff but in my healing, I never would have been able to battle with you guys. So I am no longer sad that I am an addict. I am grateful to go to battle every day with the likes of you on this site.

Happy 300. Never let me pass you.
So goddamn proud to be a basterd with you waste. I love KTC for moments like this, and for about a million other reasons. But this is damn special for me, I've made a friend for life and I am proud to quit every day with my friend "waste"

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #117 on: April 23, 2012, 10:58:00 PM »
Quote from: jonathanrivers
the nic-bitch like a cock juggling thundercunt.
'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup'

Im just dying here!!! A what???
Quit And Be Free

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Offline jjprice

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #116 on: April 23, 2012, 10:25:00 PM »
Hey congrats on 300! 'Cheers'
You may be cool, but you're a tool compared to these guys.

Offline jonathanrivers

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #115 on: April 23, 2012, 10:22:00 PM »
Waste, you're fuckin' specimen of a man who's treated the nic-bitch like a cock juggling thundercunt. You've helped me realize that slipping up one time is not an option. I am thankful for your presence. Keep on dropping by May to have ya.
Telling that dirty whore to fuck off since 2/21/2012. You can do it too. Just stop being a pussy and do it.

jonathan's Introduction

jonathan's Hall of Fame Speech

Offline Coach Steve

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #114 on: April 23, 2012, 09:51:00 PM »
Congrats on 300! Looks like nicotine has finally matched its meet.

May you have many a fine boggle in the future.
Make Your Decision

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #113 on: April 23, 2012, 02:19:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: rgross298
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: wastepanel
Day 300

The power of this site is held in its brotherhood.  Like many fraternal organizations before it, the KTC has secrets that are revealed only with understanding.  The words that once were empty to us (and still empty to others) now have meaning.  They have memories.

When we first quit, we take because we need it.  We devour the information contained on the site.  This site becomes our first and our last line of defense.  We are fed these words, and at first with unbelieving eyes, complete our days.  As we get further into our quits, our blind faith becomes a stark reality.  We know that this process works.

When we are vets, we spread this reality to the wide eyed and scared freshly quit.  We want them to see, but we can't make them.  They will have to see it for themselves.  We build quitters up with our experiences, and help them through theirs.  We see the wide eyed and scared quitters become more confident in their quits, and we are filled with pride. 

This pride swells when I see those I helped help others.  I see that they "get it" and share the same hatred as I do for the nicotine whore.  I know that even though I have not specifically reached out to a quitter, somebody I have worked with has.  I have thousands of texts to quitters in my 300 days here, and I know that indirectly, I am responsible for hundreds more.

I could have sat back, posted roll, and walked away everyday for the last 300.  But I wouldn't have good friends like Eaf, Moe, CNC, Luby, and the other Basterds from my group.  Losing brothers wouldn't effect me.  I wouldn't have reached out or spent the time with some great badass groups that followed me.  I wouldn't be part of the brotherhood.  I would not have given it my all.  I would not have protected my quit.

I'd like to thank every vet, mod, and admin on this site.  When I came here 300 days ago, you beat me to a pulp.  I was pathetic.  I needed it.  I thought I knew about quitting, and I was wrong.  I didn't think you knew anything about long term quitting.  I figured out later there was no long term quitting.  There's only today.  Keep posting.  I don't want to catch up to you.
I quit with you today Sir.

Congrats on the 300.
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'

Congrats on 300!!!!

Once again great words that many need to read!!
Waste, you're a cool-ass mofo. Thanks for all of the help and encouragement, you've really changed some lives, man. Keep it rolling and stay strong. I quit with you today.
Well Done WP!!!
Waste, your avatar still scares the living shit out of me. However, in my short time here, I know under that avatar, with the no-nonsense straight talk you offer, is a man who cares about others. If we are on the same side, I don't tremble but have more confidence that we will win this.

Congrats on milestone 300. That is pretty bad-ass. Your reputation to me is that of a bad-ass so I wouldn't expect anything less.

I am conflicted, I wish I never would have touched the stuff but in my healing, I never would have been able to battle with you guys. So I am no longer sad that I am an addict. I am grateful to go to battle every day with the likes of you on this site.

Happy 300. Never let me pass you.
Quit And Be Free

HOF Speech

Offline RAZD611

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #112 on: April 23, 2012, 01:46:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: rgross298
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: wastepanel
Day 300

The power of this site is held in its brotherhood.  Like many fraternal organizations before it, the KTC has secrets that are revealed only with understanding.  The words that once were empty to us (and still empty to others) now have meaning.  They have memories.

When we first quit, we take because we need it.  We devour the information contained on the site.  This site becomes our first and our last line of defense.  We are fed these words, and at first with unbelieving eyes, complete our days.  As we get further into our quits, our blind faith becomes a stark reality.  We know that this process works.

When we are vets, we spread this reality to the wide eyed and scared freshly quit.  We want them to see, but we can't make them.  They will have to see it for themselves.  We build quitters up with our experiences, and help them through theirs.  We see the wide eyed and scared quitters become more confident in their quits, and we are filled with pride. 

This pride swells when I see those I helped help others.  I see that they "get it" and share the same hatred as I do for the nicotine whore.  I know that even though I have not specifically reached out to a quitter, somebody I have worked with has.  I have thousands of texts to quitters in my 300 days here, and I know that indirectly, I am responsible for hundreds more.

I could have sat back, posted roll, and walked away everyday for the last 300.  But I wouldn't have good friends like Eaf, Moe, CNC, Luby, and the other Basterds from my group.  Losing brothers wouldn't effect me.  I wouldn't have reached out or spent the time with some great badass groups that followed me.  I wouldn't be part of the brotherhood.  I would not have given it my all.  I would not have protected my quit.

I'd like to thank every vet, mod, and admin on this site.  When I came here 300 days ago, you beat me to a pulp.  I was pathetic.  I needed it.  I thought I knew about quitting, and I was wrong.  I didn't think you knew anything about long term quitting.  I figured out later there was no long term quitting.  There's only today.  Keep posting.  I don't want to catch up to you.
I quit with you today Sir.

Congrats on the 300.
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'

Congrats on 300!!!!

Once again great words that many need to read!!
Waste, you're a cool-ass mofo. Thanks for all of the help and encouragement, you've really changed some lives, man. Keep it rolling and stay strong. I quit with you today.
Well Done WP!!!
Never Again For Any Reason

Hurt Feelings Report

Offline Scowick65

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #111 on: April 23, 2012, 01:41:00 PM »
Quote from: rgross298
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: wastepanel
Day 300

The power of this site is held in its brotherhood.  Like many fraternal organizations before it, the KTC has secrets that are revealed only with understanding.  The words that once were empty to us (and still empty to others) now have meaning.  They have memories.

When we first quit, we take because we need it.  We devour the information contained on the site.  This site becomes our first and our last line of defense.  We are fed these words, and at first with unbelieving eyes, complete our days.  As we get further into our quits, our blind faith becomes a stark reality.  We know that this process works.

When we are vets, we spread this reality to the wide eyed and scared freshly quit.  We want them to see, but we can't make them.  They will have to see it for themselves.  We build quitters up with our experiences, and help them through theirs.  We see the wide eyed and scared quitters become more confident in their quits, and we are filled with pride. 

This pride swells when I see those I helped help others.  I see that they "get it" and share the same hatred as I do for the nicotine whore.  I know that even though I have not specifically reached out to a quitter, somebody I have worked with has.  I have thousands of texts to quitters in my 300 days here, and I know that indirectly, I am responsible for hundreds more.

I could have sat back, posted roll, and walked away everyday for the last 300.  But I wouldn't have good friends like Eaf, Moe, CNC, Luby, and the other Basterds from my group.  Losing brothers wouldn't effect me.  I wouldn't have reached out or spent the time with some great badass groups that followed me.  I wouldn't be part of the brotherhood.  I would not have given it my all.  I would not have protected my quit.

I'd like to thank every vet, mod, and admin on this site.  When I came here 300 days ago, you beat me to a pulp.  I was pathetic.  I needed it.  I thought I knew about quitting, and I was wrong.  I didn't think you knew anything about long term quitting.  I figured out later there was no long term quitting.  There's only today.  Keep posting.  I don't want to catch up to you.
I quit with you today Sir.

Congrats on the 300.
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'

Congrats on 300!!!!

Once again great words that many need to read!!
Waste, you're a cool-ass mofo. Thanks for all of the help and encouragement, you've really changed some lives, man. Keep it rolling and stay strong. I quit with you today.

Offline Souliman

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #110 on: April 23, 2012, 01:32:00 PM »
Congrats WP. Nice work brother. Glad you're here man.

Offline rgross298

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #109 on: April 23, 2012, 12:28:00 PM »
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: wastepanel
Day 300

The power of this site is held in its brotherhood.  Like many fraternal organizations before it, the KTC has secrets that are revealed only with understanding.  The words that once were empty to us (and still empty to others) now have meaning.  They have memories.

When we first quit, we take because we need it.  We devour the information contained on the site.  This site becomes our first and our last line of defense.  We are fed these words, and at first with unbelieving eyes, complete our days.  As we get further into our quits, our blind faith becomes a stark reality.  We know that this process works.

When we are vets, we spread this reality to the wide eyed and scared freshly quit.  We want them to see, but we can't make them.  They will have to see it for themselves.  We build quitters up with our experiences, and help them through theirs.  We see the wide eyed and scared quitters become more confident in their quits, and we are filled with pride. 

This pride swells when I see those I helped help others.  I see that they "get it" and share the same hatred as I do for the nicotine whore.  I know that even though I have not specifically reached out to a quitter, somebody I have worked with has.  I have thousands of texts to quitters in my 300 days here, and I know that indirectly, I am responsible for hundreds more.

I could have sat back, posted roll, and walked away everyday for the last 300.  But I wouldn't have good friends like Eaf, Moe, CNC, Luby, and the other Basterds from my group.  Losing brothers wouldn't effect me.  I wouldn't have reached out or spent the time with some great badass groups that followed me.  I wouldn't be part of the brotherhood.  I would not have given it my all.  I would not have protected my quit.

I'd like to thank every vet, mod, and admin on this site.  When I came here 300 days ago, you beat me to a pulp.  I was pathetic.  I needed it.  I thought I knew about quitting, and I was wrong.  I didn't think you knew anything about long term quitting.  I figured out later there was no long term quitting.  There's only today.  Keep posting.  I don't want to catch up to you.
I quit with you today Sir.

Congrats on the 300.
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'

Congrats on 300!!!!

Once again great words that many need to read!!
Waste, you're a cool-ass mofo. Thanks for all of the help and encouragement, you've really changed some lives, man. Keep it rolling and stay strong. I quit with you today.

Offline wiking

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #108 on: April 23, 2012, 11:42:00 AM »
Congratulations on your 300, it really sets an example for us new guys. I know I did right by having taken the first step to ending my slow suicide via "(S)N'Nitrosonornicotine" as I read this morning, the chemical in tobacco which solely responsible for the majority of cancer related illness due to the habit. I have met the enemy and he is us. No more!

Quit hard!

Offline Grizzly25

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #107 on: April 23, 2012, 10:26:00 AM »
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: wastepanel
Day 300

The power of this site is held in its brotherhood.  Like many fraternal organizations before it, the KTC has secrets that are revealed only with understanding.  The words that once were empty to us (and still empty to others) now have meaning.  They have memories.

When we first quit, we take because we need it.  We devour the information contained on the site.  This site becomes our first and our last line of defense.  We are fed these words, and at first with unbelieving eyes, complete our days.  As we get further into our quits, our blind faith becomes a stark reality.  We know that this process works.

When we are vets, we spread this reality to the wide eyed and scared freshly quit.  We want them to see, but we can't make them.  They will have to see it for themselves.  We build quitters up with our experiences, and help them through theirs.  We see the wide eyed and scared quitters become more confident in their quits, and we are filled with pride. 

This pride swells when I see those I helped help others.  I see that they "get it" and share the same hatred as I do for the nicotine whore.  I know that even though I have not specifically reached out to a quitter, somebody I have worked with has.  I have thousands of texts to quitters in my 300 days here, and I know that indirectly, I am responsible for hundreds more.

I could have sat back, posted roll, and walked away everyday for the last 300.  But I wouldn't have good friends like Eaf, Moe, CNC, Luby, and the other Basterds from my group.  Losing brothers wouldn't effect me.  I wouldn't have reached out or spent the time with some great badass groups that followed me.  I wouldn't be part of the brotherhood.  I would not have given it my all.  I would not have protected my quit.

I'd like to thank every vet, mod, and admin on this site.  When I came here 300 days ago, you beat me to a pulp.  I was pathetic.  I needed it.  I thought I knew about quitting, and I was wrong.  I didn't think you knew anything about long term quitting.  I figured out later there was no long term quitting.  There's only today.  Keep posting.  I don't want to catch up to you.
I quit with you today Sir.

Congrats on the 300.
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'

Congrats on 300!!!!

Once again great words that many need to read!!
"Remember you are either getting better or getting worse, nobody stays the same!" Woody Hayes

"Winning! That's all we do around here brotha! Failure is not an option, remove it as an option and the possibilities are endless...." Bruce317 5-18-2012

"...We'll be heroes or ghosts...But we won't be turned around." Wastepanel 6-15-2012




Quit Date: 2-6-2012
HOF Date: 5-16-2012
HOF Speech