So, this is it. I'm done. I had my last dip of Timberwolf long cut wintergreen (Fuckin' slimy shit) last night around 9 pm CST. I'm 26. Been dipping since I was about 17.It's now roughly 11 a.m. 14 hours down. A lifetime to go. I dipped about a can a day give or take for 9 years. Red Seal Long cut wintergreen was my preferred choice if I had the cash. Wow! 9 years. That's ridiculous. I've never done anything for 9 years. How did 9 years add up so fast. I've had several unsuccessful quits over those 9 years, but I've never tried an approach where I'll have some support from fellow quitters.
Sooo, Hooray for Me, future kids, future wife, and anyone else that I would have potentially set a bad example for. 'Finger'