Lots of people advocate that you do not drink at all for at least the first 50-75 days. I think this is a "to each his/her own" practice. I have continued to drink beer during my quit, but I do not go out to bars much anymore since I'm married and my wife is pregnant. I have a rule that once I start drinking I can't drive anywhere so it's never been a problem for me.
As for you, if it has ruined quits in the past, then I would recommend you stop drinking for awhile. If you do want to continue drinking then you need to do it in moderation. My last suggestion is simple, it's called will power. Your brain is treating drinking beer as an excuse because that's what your addiction is telling your mind. Reverse the cycle, be strong. Tell the addiction to fuck off. If you can't do that then you have two options with each having a different result:
Option # 1: Keep drinking and cave
Option # 2: Stop drinking
Sounds like a no-brainer, right?