Author Topic: Day 1 - Just removed my last dip.  (Read 2299 times)

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Re: Day 1 - Just removed my last dip.
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2012, 07:12:00 PM »
Quote from: CopeNope
Day 1. I just removed my last dip. My name is Corey. I am 33 years old. I've used tobacco for around 20 years I think. I am one of those lucky few that isn't addicted to the nicotine. I really enjoy the flavor of Copenhagen and if I have a dip in my mouth I'm not eating. Well, today I am done. No more of this mess.
You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...You are an addict...

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Re: Day 1 - Just removed my last dip.
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2012, 06:55:00 PM »
I am one of those lucky few that isn't addicted to the nicotine.
I have no idea how you can come to this conclusion.

I will figure that you are distraught and in the fog. If you are serious and want to quit, you are definitely in the right place.

Please take the time and study the site. Read, read and then read some more.

Your intro concerns me.

Offline CopeNope

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Day 1 - Just removed my last dip.
« on: February 28, 2012, 06:45:00 PM »
Day 1. I just removed my last dip. My name is Corey. I am 33 years old. I've used tobacco for around 20 years I think. I am one of those lucky few that isn't addicted to the nicotine. I really enjoy the flavor of Copenhagen and if I have a dip in my mouth I'm not eating. Well, today I am done. No more of this mess.
Day 1: February 28, 2012
Day 100: June 5, 2012

Negative. I am a meat popsicle.

The force is STRONG with this one.